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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association


Stratigraphy Of Wyoming; 31st Annual Field Conference Guidebook, 1980
Pages 155-161

Barrier Bar Sands in the Second Frontier Formation, Green River Basin, Wyoming

C. M. Hawkins


Core samples of the Second Frontier Formation from several gas fields on the Moxa Arch exhibit many transgressive-regressive depositional cycles as a result of the oscillatory nature of Cretaceous sea level. During one of these regressions, a shoaling sequence of sediments was deposited, now recognized as the seond bench sand-stone of the Seond Frontier Formation.

The progradational nature of sedimentation leading to the building of barrier bas sequences is recognizable in gas well log characteristics from the area as well as in cores. Subtle changes in porosity and other generalized log curve shapes can be recognized and correlated with core data.

Several photographs of a barrier island sequence as seen in cores further demonstrate the various types of rocks and reservoir characteristics resulting fromsedimentation in the depositional model. This type of information is useful as a predictive tool by geologistis in locating better hydrocarbon reservoirs and is needed by those required to make reserve estimations are made.

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