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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association


Energy Resources of Wyoming; 32nd Annual Field Conference Guidebook, 1981
Pages 11-22

Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of the "Leo Sands" in the Minnelusa Formation, Wyoming and South Dakota

Paul L. Tromp, Donald F. Cardinal, James R. Steidtmann


Sediments of the Middle Member of the Minnelusa Formation (Middle to Upper Pennsylvanian), commonly referred to as the "Leo", consist of interbedded sandstone, dolomite, anhydrite, limestone, bedded chert and radioactive carbonaceous shale. They were deposited in the plateaued Alliance Basin as a restricted evaporitic carbonate tidal flat influenced by eustatic sea level changes. These fluctuations produced intercalation of eolian dune sands, organic "black shales", and supratidal to subtidal carbonates in close vertical and lateral proximity. Sandstone units deposited as isolated eolian dunes and dune fields provide superb stratigraphic traps for hydrocarbons generated in the carbonaceous shales.

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