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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association


The Cretaceous Geology of Wyoming; 36th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, 1985
Pages 45-50

House Creek Field; Past and Future

J. M. Sabel


House Creek Field, discovered by Woods Petroleum Corporation in 1968, has produced 18.5 million barrels of an estimated 159 million barrels of oil originally in place. The 150 plus wells in this field produce from an Upper Cretaceous Sussex Sandstone offshore bar complex containing six distinct facies representing different energy and sediment input conditions characteristic of a shallow marine shelf environment. Now completely encased in the Steele Shale, the source of the oil was probably the Lower Cretaceous Mowry Shale. The field lies on a major fault—lineament trend along with several fields producing from other Cretaceous formations. A secondary recovery water flood, scheduled to start in early 1986, is expected to increase production from 12.5% to 21.5% of the original oil in place.

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