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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association


Rediscover the Rockies; 43rd Annual Field Conference Guidebook, 1992
Pages 253-267

Preliminary Map of Fracture Patterns in Coal in the Western United States

Stephen E. Laubach, Roger Tyler, W. A. Ambrose, C. M. Tremain, M. A. Grout


Coal in the intermontane basins of the western United States commonly has a dominant fracture (face cleat) set that is uniformly oriented or gradually curved over wide areas or domains. There are domains, however, where cleat orientation and style change abruptly, and face-cleat sets overlap. Preliminary maps show face-cleat strikes is generally normal to traces of regional thrusts and folds in many areas, and fracture domains having interfering or crisscrossing cleat sets are adjacent to recesses in the thrust belt. Because variations in face-cleat strike and fracture density can govern coal strength and permeability, knowledge of regional cleat traits improves the success of coalbed-methane exploration, development, and well completion and stimulation techniques, including horizontal drilling, open-hole cavitation, and hydraulic fracture treatment.

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