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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association


Oil and Gas and Other Resources of the Wind River Basin, Wyoming; Special Symposium, 1993
Pages 295-305

Vitrinite Reflectance and Geothermal Gradients in the Wind River Basin, Central Wyoming

Mark Pawlewicz


This paper reports large data sets of vitrinite reflectance (Rm) and bottom hole temperatures (BHT) to illustrate the variable nature of the geothermal Previous HitgradientNext Hit and relates the Previous HitgradientNext Hit in selected locations to vitrinite reflectance in the Wind River Basin.

The Wind River Basin in central Wyoming is an asymmetrical structural and sedimentary basin formed during Laramide deformation in latest Cretaceous and early Tertiary time. Oil and gas production is from seventeen formations, primarily from structural traps. Keefer (1969) provides a detailed discussion of the geology of the basin with respect to petroleum generation.

The geothermal Previous HitgradientTop is a simple parameter that correlates with organic material maturation and source material for hydrocarbons. Generalizations of thermal regime that lump almost the entire basin into one, or perhaps two, geothermal regimes exist, but a more finely tuned data set should provide greater precision in making determinations of viability for prospects on a more local, and less regional, scale. This, in turn, could improve the number of hydrocarbon discoveries.

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