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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association


Jubilee Anniversary Field Conference Guidebook: Wyoming Geology, Past, Present, and Future, 1993
Pages 259-270

An Appraisal of High Pressure Air Injection (HPAI) or In-Situ Combustion Results from Deep, High-Temperature, High-Gravity Oil Reservoirs

A. Erickson, J. R. Legerski Sr., F. V. Steece


Performance data is presented and analyzed here from several large commercial HPAI projects that have demonstrated very high recovery efficiencies to data.

Reported air requirements of 8 to 12 MCF per incremental barrel of oil demonstrate HPAI can be economically viable when applied to the proper Previous HitreservoirNext Hit.

Produced gases generated from the application of HPAI on a higher-gravity Previous HitreservoirTop are being economically utilized, thus significantly improving overall hydrocarbon recovery and economics.

Unique analytical procedures developed for monitoring and projecting performance are presented, along with design, operating, environmental, and economic considerations in the selection of reservoirs where HPAI can be applied commercially.

The HPAI process is compared with other more conventional enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes in terms of overall displacement efficiencies and operational and economic considerations.

The comparison indicates HPAI is an economically viable alternative to gas injection on many deeper, low permeability reservoirs that are too tight for water injection.

HPAI is also applicable as a tertiary recovery process on many of the larger, deeper high-gravity reservoirs, when the large volumes of medium BTU gases produced can be effectively utilized.

This paper also addresses the need for additional research and study focusing on HPAI.

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