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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association


Resources of Southwestern Wyoming; Field Conference Guidebook, 1995
Pages 31-44

Timing of the Laramide Rise of the Uinta Mountains, Utah and Colorado

Michael D. Bradley


The major Laramide rise of the Uinta Mountains occurred in two distinct pulses. The first period of uplift was in latest Cretaceous to early Paleocene and occurred in response to displacement on the North Flank and Uinta thrusts along the north flank of the range, and perhaps to incipient displacement on the Uinta Basin Boundary thrust along the south flank of the range. A second period of uplift of the Uinta Mountains occurred in late early to early middle Eocene. Major displacement occurred on the north-dipping system of thrusts along the south flank of the Uintas at this time with the Uinta Basin developing as a foreland basin of this major thrust system. Reactivation of the North Flank and Uinta thrusts, and growth of the Henry's Fork and Sparks faults along the north flank of the range, also played an important role in this period of uplift. A minor pulse of uplift in late Eocene buried the system of north-dipping thrusts along the south flank of the range under younger detritus.

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