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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association


Resources of Southwestern Wyoming; Field Conference Guidebook, 1995
Pages 61-75

Relating Fractures in the Eastern Greater Green River Basin to Oil and Gas Fields: Integrating Field Measurements, Linear Features, and Digital Geologic Data

Cheryl Jaworowski, Robert Simon


Fractures may be permeable pathways for oil and gas or boundaries that separate a basin into compartments. Linear features, joints, subsurface fractures, lineaments, and digital geologic data were compared to better understand fracture patterns in the east-central Greater Green River Basin. Comparison of linear features, joint measurements at the outcrop, and subsurface data showed good correlation. We were able to predict the orientation of subsurface fractures using image interpretation and joint data.

Construction and acquisition of digital databases (linear features, oil and gas fields, geologic map of Wyoming, Bouguer gravity, and digital elevation data) allowed the graphical display of oil and gas fields with surface lineaments, Bouguer gravity, and Previous HitmagneticNext Hit data. Graphical display of lineaments with oil and gas fields showed that lineaments bound or traverse oil and gas fields. Many lineaments identified by image interpretation are correlated to Previous HitmagneticTop and gravity lineaments. Future work will assess their effect upon sedimentation and productivity in the Greater Green River Basin.

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