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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)


Earth Science Bulletin
Vol. 1 (1968), No. 2. (June), Pages 11-15

Previous HitGeophysicalNext Hit Investigations Within the Colorado Mineral Belt Using New Inductive Electromagnetic Instrumentation

Paul B. Alexander


Recent developments In instrumentation have called for a re-evaluation of inductive electromagnetic prospecting methods within the rugged terrain of the Rocky Mountains. This research was initiated in response to this need. The Leadville Limestone of the Colorado Mineral Belt was selected as the study target, and reconnaissance investigations were run. Three highly conductive anomalies were located, and their Previous HitgeophysicalTop characteristics are evaluated. Subsequent drilling proved the conductors to be graphitic lenses within the Belden Shale. Although the investigation located no economic deposits, it did suggest several explorational innovations and showed the new instruments to be rapid and inexpensive in locating conductive bodies in areas of considerable relief.

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