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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)


Earth Science Bulletin
Vol. 10 (1977), No. 1. (March), Pages 13-19

Glacial Deposits of the Lake Angeline Quadrangle Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming

Previous HitRobertTop S. Nelson


Tills representing six distinct episodes of glaciation are present in the Lake Angeline Quadrangle. The Circle Park Till (Bull Lake Stade) is bouldery with sandy silt and clay matrix. It is the oldest, most weathered, and most topographically modified of the tills. The Sherd Lake Till (Early Pinedale Stade), Long Lake Till (Middle Pinedale Stade), and Lake Lame Deer Till (Lake Pinedale Stade) are boulder tills with silty sand matrix. The tills are relatively fresh and show little topographic modification. Loop moraines are distinct and many lakes occur on the ground moraines of these tills. The Chill Lake Till (Temple Lake Stade) and Lake Angeline Till (Gannett Peak Stade) are boulder tills with coarse sand matrix. These tills form distinct loop moraines, close to or within cirques.

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