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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)


Earth Science Bulletin
Vol. 16 (1983), No. 1. (Annual), Pages 1-8

The Economic Significance of the forms of Trona Occurrences

Dennis S. Kostick


Trona is an important industrial mineral; however, large economic deposits of trona are relatively rare. All deposits can be ranked economically into five basic geologic forms of occurrences. These forms, in decreasing economic importance, are (1) buried, (2) surface or subsurface brines, (3) crystalline shoreline or bottom crusts, (4) shallow lake bottom crystals and (5) surface efflorescences.

All forms of occurrences have similar geologic origins involving the infilling of depositional basins by material leached from granitic and volcanic rocks and by material introduced from thermal springs. Despite the similarity of the origins, the trona content varies according to chemical and physical conditions which determine the mode of deposition. Several deposits in the world are discussed in terms of their geologic development and their economic potential.

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