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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)


Earth Science Bulletin
Vol. 18 (1985), No. 1. (Annual), Page 54b

Abstract: Geological Significance of Fossil Algae from the Wind River Mountains, Wyoming

Previous HitRobertNext Hit McWilliams1

Blue-green algae are known to have lived in both marine and non-marine environments since the Precambrian. They are most commonly preserved by the suspended calcite that they trap in structures known as stromatolites and oncolites. Stromatolite and oncolite shape and size provide the geologist with an additional tool for interpreting ancient environments. Examples from the Wind River Mountains will be used to illustrate their environmental significance.

Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes

1 Previous HitRobertTop McWilliams: Miami University

© Wyoming Geological Association, 2015