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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Compositions of Sandstones in Circum-Pacific Subduction Complexes and Fore-Arc Basins

William R. Dickinson

Storm- and Tide-Dominated Shorelines in Cretaceous Moosebar-Lower Gates Interval--Outcrop Equivalents of Deep Basin Gas Trap in Western Canada

Dale A. Leckie, Roger G. Walker

Quaternary Chronology, Paleoclimate, Depositional Sequences, and Eustatic Cycles

J. H. Beard , J. B. Sangree , L. A. Smith

Relationship Between Sedimentation Rate and Total Organic Carbon Content in Ancient Marine Sediments

Lynne E. Johnson Ibach

Geometry, Facies, and Development of Middle Ordovician Carbonate Buildups, Virginia Appalachians

J. F. Read

Stratigraphy and Depositional Mosaics of Lower Clear Fork and Wichita Groups (Permian), Northern Midland Basin, Texas

S. J. Mazzullo

Exploring for Naturally Fractured Reservoirs--A Petroleum Engineer's Point of View: ABSTRACT

Roberto Aguilera

Depositional Environments and Reservoir Morphologies of Channel Sandstones: ABSTRACT

R. R. Bloomer

Structural Geology Short Course: ABSTRACT

W. G. Brown

Lithofacies and Paleontology of Early Permian, Allochthonous, Deep-Water Carbonates, Reagan and Crockett Counties, Texas--Some Paleogeographic and Exploration Concept Implications: ABSTRACT

Craig D. Caldwell, John P. Hobson, Jr., Donald F. Toomey

New Applications of Electrical Methods in Hydrocarbon Exploration: ABSTRACT

N. R. Carlson, L. J. Hughes, K. L. Zonge, C. L. V. Aiken

Effect of Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 on Oil and Gas Industry: ABSTRACT

Terry L. Crain

Geochemical Exploration for Hydrocarbons--No New Tricks, but an Old Dog: ABSTRACT

William Duchscherer, Jr.

Origin of Structures in Permian Basin: ABSTRACT

Jack G. Elam

Radon and Hydrocarbons in Soil Gases of Northeast Ohio: ABSTRACT

Darioush T. Ghahremani, Philip Banks

Austin Chalk Exploration: ABSTRACT

John F. Harris

Paleomagnetic Methods for Orientation of Borehole Cores, Horizon Cleveland Field, Ochiltree County, Texas: ABSTRACT

William E. Henry

Depositional Environment and Reservoir Morphology of Canyon Sandstones, Central Midland Basin, Texas: ABSTRACT

James W. Jones

Prediction of Oil or Gas Potential by Near-Surface Geochemistry: ABSTRACT

V. T. Jones

Geologic Interpretation Based on Dipmeter Data--Field Study: ABSTRACT

Steve Jorgensen, Ed Hesher

Carbonate Cementation of Gulf Coast Barrier-Island Sands and Formation of a Stratigraphic Trap: ABSTRACT

M. J. Kocurko

Principles of Dipmeter Interpretation in Fluvial Systems: ABSTRACT

Dwight S. Kranz

Atokan Clastics of Fort Worth Basin--Depositional Environments in a Foreland Basin: ABSTRACT

Gina P. Lovick, Christophe G. Mazzini, David A. Kotila

New Method for Determining Paleocurrent Direction: ABSTRACT

Darryl W. Maddox

Types and Controls of Facies-Stratigraphic Traps in Permo-Pennsylvanian Carbonates in Permian Basin--Exploration Models: ABSTRACT

S. J. Mazzullo

Dipmeter Interpretation of Cherry Canyon Reservoir Sandstones, Delaware Basin, New Mexico: ABSTRACT

Sandra Phillips

Viola Potential, Southern Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

B. K. Reed

A Joint Geological-Engineering Study of Cogdell Canyon Reef Unit, Scurry and Kent Counties, Texas: ABSTRACT

Alastair M. Reid, II, Sydney K. Lawler, James D. Paulson

Predictive Model for Hydrocarbon Entrapment in Marathon Fold-Thrust Belt of Southwest Texas: ABSTRACT

Stephen R. Robichaud

Sedimentary Facies and Depositional Environments of Cenomanian Buda Limestone, Northern Coahuila, Mexico: ABSTRACT

William C. Robinson, Donald F. Reaser, Charles I. Smith

Lower Atoka Group (Lower Middle Pennsylvanian), Northern Fort Worth Basin, Texas--Depositional Systems, Facies, and Hydrocarbon Distribution: ABSTRACT

Diana Morton Thompson

Petroleum Exploration in Pedregosa Basin, Southwestern New Mexico: ABSTRACT

Sam Thompson, III

Depositional Facies, Diagenesis, and Reservoir Heterogeneity of Upper San Andres Formation in West Seminole Field, Gaines County, Texas: ABSTRACT

M. W. Zaaza