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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

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Algunas Observaciones Sobre Interpretacion de Registros Electricos (IN SPANISH), Some Comments on Interpretation of Electric Logs

Martín Nava García

Bosquejo Estratigrafico de la Cuenca Salina del Istmo de Tehuantepec (IN SPANISH), Stratigraphic Sketch of The Istmo Saline Basin of Tehuantepec

Carlos Castillo Tejero

Bosquejo Geologico de la Provincia del Papaloapan, Estado de Veracruz, Mexico (IN SPANISH), Geological Sketch of The Papaloapan Province; State of Veracruz

Fernando Lozano Romen

Caracteristicas y Entrenamiento del Geologo Petrolero (IN SPANISH), Characteristics and Training of Petroleum Geologist

Carlos Castillo Tejero

El Desarrollo del Azufre en Mexico (IN SPANISH), Development of Sulfur in Mexico

Harold H. Jaquet

Estudio Geologico Economico del Cretacico Superior y Medio al Este de la Faja de Oro (IN SPANISH), Geological-Economic Study of The Upper and Middle Cretaceous East of The Faja De Oro.

Enrique Mena Rojas

Generalidades Sobre Exploracion Geofisica (IN SPANISH), Overview of The Geophysical Exploration

Santiago Hernández Sánchez Mejorada

Geologia Petrolera de Mexico (IN SPANISH), Petroleum Geology of Mexico

Eduardo J. Guzmán, Rodolfo Suárez C., Ernesto López Ramos

Ideas Modernas Sobre el Origen del Petroleo (IN SPANISH), Modern Ideas About The Origin of Oil

Manuel Alvarez Jr.

La Exploracion Gravimetrica y Sismologica en Estructuras Arrecifales Tipo Faja de Oro (IN SPANISH), The Gravimetric and Seismological Exploration in Reef Structures Type Gold Strip

Armando Eguía Huerta

Los Arrecifes de la Cuenca de Tampico Tuxpan, Mexico (IN SPANISH), The Reefs of Tampico-Tuxpan Basin, Mexico

José Flores Revueltas

Origen de la Tierra y Demas Planetas del Sistema Solar (IN SPANISH), Origin of The Earth and Other Planets of The Solar System

Honorato De Castro

Posibles Futuras Provincias Petroliferas en Mexico (IN SPANISH), Possible Future Oil Provinces in Mexico

G. P. Salas

Solucion Analitica y Nomografica de las Reflexiones (IN SPANISH), Analytical and Nomographic Solution of The Reflections

V. A. Olhovich