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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: The Petroleum Geology of Young Regressive Sequences
Young regressive sequences lead to abnormally pressured clays that are mechanically
unstable while they are abnormally pressured, and so suffer an early deformation
that is revealed by growth structures. The abnormal pressures are a consequence of
under compaction, so fluid migration is retarded. This exposes more of the original
pore fluids to higher temperatures and much higher pressure for a longer time. Since
the mechanical instability is contemporaneous with the retarded compaction, the
structural consequences precede or are contemporaneous with the migration of the
bulk of the fluids. Growth structures exist before the bulk of the fluid migrates,
and they exist down the migration path (down the fluid potential gradient). Petroleum
accumulation in structural traps in regressive sequences is a consequence of
accumulation of the regressive sequence of sediments. End_of_Record - Last_Page 3---------------