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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Submarine Fan Deposition of the Woodbine-Eagle
Ford Interval (Upper Cretaceous),
Tyler County, Texas
Production of geo and some condensate from fine
grained fractured sandstone of the Upper Cretaceous
Woodbine-Eagle Ford interval at depths of 10,800 to 11,350 ft in central northern Tyler County has provided the
impetus for
a detailed paleoenvironmental analysis of the geology in that
area. The productive area (Sugar Creek Field) is located a
short distance south of the Sabine Uplift, which was an active
positive area previous to, during and following Woodbine
Eagle Ford deposition, and is slightly down-dip from the
Lower Cretaceous continental shelf edge is delineated by
the Angelina-Caldwell flexure and the Edwards reef trend.
The Woodbine-Eagle Ford interval (between the Buda
Limestone below and Austin Chalk above) is 150-200 ft thick
in the Sugar Creek Field area but thins to less than 50 ft thick
above the Edwards reef build-up and northward toward the
Shine Uplift where it is missing. Southward (down-dip) the
interval thickens to greater than 1500 ft within a distance of 15 miles. The Woodbine-Eagle Ford interval in the down-dip position is a mud-dominated clastic wedge. Cores from
wells in the Sugar Creek Field and two down-dip wells were
examined in detail. Dark gray organic-rich, silty shale with thin laminated to
ripple-bedded siltstone beds and small siderite nodules comprise most (40% to
greater than 80%) of the Woodbine-Eagle Ford Interval and contain a microfauna
(foraminifera) indicative of outer shelf to upper slope water
depth. The reservoir sandstones occur as complex, single to multi-story bodies
15-40 ft thick and are composed of fine to
very fine-grained quartz arenites. As viewed in polished core
slab, the sandstones are mostly "massive-appearing" (without
discernible sedimentary structures). Beds are characterized by very sharp (non-gradational)
basal contacts
(sandstone /shale) with abundant drag marks, flute casts and
other sole markings, and by abrupt upper contacts with
shale. X-ray radiography of core slabs has revealed a multitude
of sedimentary structures in the otherwise "massive-appearing" sandstones. Massive
to laminated and cross-stratified sandstone is dominant but ripple-stratification,
soft-sediment-deformation and scour features are also present. Burrows and bioturbation
are common but confined only
to the upper park, of sandstone beds which may be separated
by thin (1-2 inch) shale beds. These sedimentary features
and their positions within well-defined sandstone genetic units indicate rapid deposition of sand by low- to
submarine density (turbidity) currents and associated tractive currents. Mud deposition and burrowing
of the upper parts of sand beds occurred during quiet periods
between the sand pulses. Highly deformed siltstone intervals
often are present below the sandstone bodies and indicate
rapid loading by sand deposition and/or slumping on unstable
slopes. A conglomerate submarine debris flow deposit is also well displayed in one core. Subsurface
correlation and mapping of the discontinuous,
lenticular, sandstone bodies indicate that they are best
delineated as a series of coalescing, dip-oriented lobes. Deposition appears most
likely to have begun as prograding submarine fan lobes, with sediment being channeled from
updip delta and nearshore deposits across a narrow shelf
and through shelf-edge breaks and then dumped downslope. These basin-filling deposits prograded seaward
until the
sediment source was cut off and subsequent deposition of
the Austin Chalk occurred. Although a major erosional unconformity exists above the
Woodbine to the north, no
such unconformity can be documented above the down-dip Woodbine-Eagle Ford interval in Tyler County. End_Pages 5 and 6---------------