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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 32, No. 1, September 1989. Pages 7-7.

Abstract: Ulrich (Yegua) Field, Harris County


Ann Ayers Martin and William K. Peebles

The Ulrich (Yegua) Field complex in Harris and Chambers Counties, Texas produces gas and condensate from Eocene sediments of the Yegua Formation in a geologic trend commonly known as the "Downdip Yegua" trend.

The field produced from two discrete sand units, termed "channel" and "sheet" sands, in a deltaic depositional Previous HitsequenceNext Hit. Distinctive local paleontological markers persist throughout the complex and are related to inner and middle neritic ecological zones.

The integration of several technical disciplines was necessary to first discover, and then develop, the field. Salt modeling of gravity data was particularly useful in interpreting the seismic data.

The Ulrich (Yegua) Field is notable in several aspects. The Yegua l-D reservoir has produced at a rate in excess of 42 MMCFD from a single Previous HitwellNext Hit. The Yegua 2A zone is commercially productive from a Previous HitwellNext Hit with electric Previous HitlogTop resistivity of 0.8 ohm-meter. Other unique features of this field include trapping faults of unusually low angles and growth faults with highly variable throws.

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