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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 33, No. 7, March 1991. Pages 10-10.

Abstract: Extending the Life of the High Island 24l Field Using Previous Hit3DNext Hit Seismic


T. P. Bulling and Rebecca Olsen

ARCO's High Island 24L field, located in the Texas State waters of the Gulf of Mexico, was discovered in 1967. It had produced 320 billion cubic feet of gas and 3.0 million barrels of oil by 1986. An engineering field study completed in 1986 showed the field to be declining to the point of unprofitability within 3 years. The study found the reservoir maps to have three basic problems: volumetric reserve calculations did not equal reserves produced, hydrocarbon-water contacts were inconsistent between wells thought to be in communication, and ultimate recoveries could not be accurately calculated. Attempts to remap the field with the existing 2D seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit base and well logs proved unsuccessful.

In 1986 a Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic survey was acquired and the field was remapped in 1987, starting with the key producing horizons. Integration of detailed well log correlations tied to the dense grid of Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic allowed construction of accurate reservoir maps. These helped solve the engineering problems by more accurately defining the configuration of the reservoirs, closely matching volumetrics and fluid contacts as well as defining new extension opportunities. The Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic survey and its products along with engineering modifications and operations cost containment resulted in the extension of the fields economic life by at least 8 years. As more wells are drilled and current explorationists work with the Previous HitdataTop, additional reserves are being found.

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