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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 36, No. 3, November 1993. Pages 17-17.

Abstract: Trap Analysis at Wilburton Field (Oklahoma) Better Defines Exploration Risks in the Arkoma Basin


Charles A. Sternbach

Trap analysis has widespread application for prospect evaluation of fault-bounded structural closures in the Mid-Continent. Trap analysis involves detailed study of Previous HithowNext Hit the objective reservoir section is juxtaposed with the sealing section across a fault and can be used to predict prospect viability and potential hydrocarbon column heights for faulted anticlines. This method was successfully applied to lower Ordovician dolomite objectives in faulted structures along the Marathon-Ouachita Orogen. The deeper pool Arbuckle discovery by ARCO at Wilburton Field in late 1987 set off a drilling boom in the Arkoma Basin. Before and after Wilburton, many Arbuckle dry holes were drilled which violated principles of trap analysis. Many failed wildcats did not have proper fault throw on the critical trapping fault to juxtapose Arbuckle reservoir section with down thrown (post Simpson) Previous HitsealNext Hit section. Attributes of successful prospects must include fault displacements within a range controlled by sealing stratigraphy. Trap risks can be evaluated prior to drilling with a good structure map and knowledge of local stratigraphy and it's rock Previous HitpropertiesNext Hit (including Previous HitcapillaryTop entry pressures).

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