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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 54, No. 06, February, 2012. Page 15 - 15.

ABSTRACT: Enhancement of Geological Features on Barnett Shale by the Application of Spectral Decomposition and Spectral Inversion, Shackleford County, Fort Worth Basin, Texas, USA

Lorenzo Izarra

Using Spectral Decomposition and Spectral inversion concepts it is possible to go beyond seismic Previous HitresolutionNext Hit and get results that can be interpreted more objectively and accurately on the Barnett Shale in the Fort Worth Basin. This research focused in applying spectral decomposition and spectral inversion on a 3D seismic data from the Shackelford County, Texas, USA, to define stratigraphic and structural elements that cannot be seen with conventional seismic data.

It is shown that spectral decomposition and spectral inversion helped identify faulting patterns, also, proved to be a powerful tool to identify carbonate features on this part of the Barnett Shale region.

The combination of frequency cubes on a RGB color coded helped to identify more accurately and faster the presence of these geologic elements.

Uses of these techniques improved the vertical Previous HitresolutionNext Hit from 115 ft. to 50 ft. in this area leading interpreters to understand the characteristics of the Barnett Shale in terms of seismic signature including faulting and fractures that are bellow seismic Previous HitresolutionTop.


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