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Alaska Geological Society


The Alaska Geological Society 2007 Technical Conference Abstracts Volume, 2007
Pages i-iv

Frontmatter: The Alaska Geological Society 2007 Technical Conference, Natural Sciences Building, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Abstracts Volume - April 27, 2007

Bernard Coakley,1 James Clough2


2007 Alaska Geological Society Technical Conference, April 27, 2007, Natural Sciences Building, University of Alaska Fairbanks


8:30–9:00 AM Registration

9:00–9:10 AM Bernie Coakley, UAF, Jim Clough, DGGS, Opening Remarks

9:10–9:40 AM Paul J. McCarthy, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, University of Alaska Fairbanks: Cretaceous High Latitude Paleoenvironments at the Kikak-Tegoseak Dinosaur Site, Prince Creek Formation, North Slope, Alaska

9:40–10:10 AM Natalia A. Ruppert, Alaska Previous HitEarthquakeNext Hit Information Center: Previous HitEarthquakeNext Hit Monitoring in Alaska and Notable Alaskan Earthquakes of 2006

10:10–10:30 Coffee break

10:30–11:00 AM Janet R. Schaefer, Alaska Div. of Geological & Geophysical Surveys: Catastrophic acid crater lake drainage, lahar, and acidic aerosol formation at Mount Chiginagak volcano, Alaska

11:00–11:30 AM Curt Freeman, Avalon Development Corporation: The Worldwide Uranium Boom and its Implications for Alaska

11:30 AM–12:00 PM Kirk W. Sherwood, U.S. Minerals Service: Petroleum Geology of Chukchi Sea

12:00–1:15 PM Catered Lunch–Award of AGS Scholarships

1:15–2:00 PM Keynote talk, Susan DeBari, Dept. of Geology, Western Washington University: Magmatic Processes in Island Arcs-A tour of the crust from the bottom up

2:00–5:00 PM Poster session

Author E-mail address Title Poster/Talk
Elizabeth A. Bailey [email protected] Mercury speciation in soils and vegetation at abandoned mercury mines in southwest Alaska P
Jeff Benowitz [email protected] Low-temperature thermochronological constraints on the timing and mechanisms behind the multi-stage exhumation history of the Alaska Range P
Erik Brandlen [email protected] Upper Cretaceous high latitude Paleosols near the Kikak-Tegoseak dinosaur site (Prince Creek Formation), North Slope, Alaska P
Kelley Brumley [email protected] Kinematic History and Tectonic Evolution of the Amerasian Basin: Investigating Palaeo-Plate Boundaries around the Chukchi Borderlands P
Cathy Connor [email protected] UAS Environmental Science and Anthropology Undergraduates Produce Comparative Bathymetric Maps of Auke Lake to support Auke Bay Archeology Research near Juneau Alaska. P
Cathy Connor [email protected] Experiential Discoveries in Geoscience Education - EDGE: Teaching Field Science and GIS to Alaska’s Science Teachers and Their Students P
Cullan C. Lester [email protected] Investigations into the Lucky Shot Mine, an ‘orogenic’ Willow Creek gold vein. P
Aditya U Deshpande [email protected] Analysis of the Performance and Applicability of a Portable Probe Permeameter. P
Dayton Dove [email protected] Stratigraphy, Structure and Origin of the Mendeleev Ridge P
Peter P. Flaig [email protected] Alluvial Deposits from Low Energy Streams and Associated Floodplain Sedimentation: The Upper Cretaceous Prince Creek Formation, North Slope of the Brooks Range, Alaska P
Curt Freeman [email protected] The Worldwide Uranium Boom and its Implications for Alaska T
M. Heavner [email protected] SEAMONSTER Southeast Monitoring Network for Science Monitoring Telecommunications, Education and Research P
Randy H. Host [email protected] Differential GPS techniques used for ADCP measurements in remote areas of Alaska P
Diana Jozwik [email protected] WebGeochem: Alaskan Geochemical Data Online P
S. M. Karl [email protected] Sandstone provenance for Early Tertiary pull-apart basins in Southeast Alaska P
Richard Lessard [email protected] Geochronologic database for Alaska P
Paul J. McCarthy [email protected] Late Cretaceous High Latitude Paleoenvironments at the Kikak-Tegoseak Dinosaur Site, Prince Creek Formation, North Slope, Alaska T
Rainer Newberry [email protected] Characterization of Alaskan Jade by XRD, ‘mini’ XRF, and hand-held XRF P
Shivkumar Patil [email protected] Characterization and Alteration of Wettability States of Alaskan Reservoirs to Improve Oil Recovery Efficiency P
Bipin Raut   Comparative Study of Compositional Viscosity Models for Medium-Heavy Oils P
Natalia A. Ruppert [email protected] Previous HitEarthquakeTop Monitoring in Alaska and Notable Alaskan Earthquakes of 2006 T
Janet R. Schaefer [email protected] Catastrophic acid crater lake drainage, lahar, and acidic aerosol formation at Mount Chiginagak volcano, Alaska T
Kirk W. Sherwood [email protected] Petroleum Geology of Chukchi Sea T
Seth Snedigar [email protected] The Alaska Volcano Observatory Website–a Tool for Information Management and Dissemination P
David J. Szumigala [email protected] Alaska’s Mineral-Rich Lands –Geological Information Essential to Resource Management P
Carol Thilenius [email protected] A new website for identification of late Pleistocene to early Holocene marine organisms from the Gastineau Channel Formation, a glaciomarine diamicton underlying the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska P
Carla Susanne Tomsich [email protected] Angiosperm leaves and other plant fossils from the Lower Cantwell Formation, Denali National Park Alaska—Implications for a Late Cretaceous paleoecology and climate in Interior Alaska P
Dolores A. van der Kolk [email protected] A Characterization of the Pebble Shale Unit and Lower Hue Shale within the Northeast Brooks Range, Alaska: What’s with the High Radioactive Zone? P
Wesley K. Wallace [email protected] Yakataga fold-and-thrust belt: Structural geometry and tectonic implications of a small continental collision zone P

Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes

co-sponsored by: Department of Geology and Geophysics, PO Box 755780, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-5780; Alaska Div. of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 3354 College Road, Fairbanks, Alaska 99709-3707

1 Bernard Coakley: Co-Chair, Geophysical Institute and Chair, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Alaska Fairbanks

2 James Clough: Co-Chair, Alaska Div. of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks, Alaska

Copyright © 2014 by the Alaska Geological Society

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