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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Alaska Geological Society


Recent & Ancient Sedimentary Environments in Alaska, 1976
Pages B1-B8

Prediction of Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir Geometry Prudhoe Bay Field, Alaska1

W. R. Eckelmann, W. L. Fisher, R. J. DeWitt


Hydrocarbon reserves in the Prudhoe Bay field, Alaska, occur in fluvial-deltaic Permo-Triassic strata. Facies comparisons with modern settings, including the Mississippi delta, show that braided-stream sandstones and conglomerates, deposited by southerly flowing streams, overlie stream-mouth-bar, beach and shore-face sandstones and shales. Repeated lateral shifts of aggrading streams produced deposits of thick tabular reservoir units, whereas wave and longshore currents produced shoreline deposits of more widespread but thinner sheetlike geometry. Such facies Previous HitanalysisTop permitted early prediction of reservoir geometry, thus aiding in estimating reserves and formulating a development program in a remote hostile environment.

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