SG64: Heavy-oil and Oil-sand Petroleum Systems in Alberta and Beyond
Edited by Frances J. Hein, Dale Leckie, Steve Larter, and John R. Suter
Frontmatter (PDF)
Chapter 1: Heavy Oil and Bitumen Petroleum Systems in Alberta and Beyond: The Future Is Nonconventional and the Future Is Now
Frances J. Hein, Dale Leckie, Steve Larter, and John R. Suter
Chapter 2: The Dynamic Interplay of Oil Mixing, Charge Timing, and Biodegradation in Forming the Alberta
Oil Sands: Insights from Geologic Modeling and Biogeochemistry
Jennifer Adams, Steve Larter, Barry Bennett, Haiping Huang, Joseph Westrich,
and Cor van Kruisdijk
Chapter 3: Geologic Reservoir Characterization and Evaluation of the Petrocedeño Field, Early Miocene Oficina
Formation, Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, Venezuela
Allard W. Martinius, Jan Hegner, Inge Kaas, Celia Bejarano, Xavier Mathieu, and Rune Mjøs
Chapter 4: The Alberta Oil Sands: Reserves and Long-term Supply Outlook
Farhood Rahnama, Richard A. Marsh, and LeMoine Philp
Chapter 5: Comparison of Oil Generation Kinetics Derived from Hydrous Pyrolysis and Rock-Eval in Four-Dimensional Models of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin and Its Northern Alberta Oil Sands
Debra K. Higley and Michael D. Lewan
Chapter 6: Impact of Reservoir Heterogeneity and Geohistory on the Variability of Bitumen Properties and on the
Distribution of Gas- and Water-saturated Zones in the Athabasca Oil Sands, Canada
Milovan Fustic, Barry Bennett, Stephen M. Hubbard, Haiping Huang, Thomas Oldenburg,
and Steve Larter
Chapter 7: A Regional Geologic Framework for the Athabasca Oil Sands, Northeastern Alberta, Canada
Frances J. Hein, Graham Dolby, and Brent Fairgrieve
Chapter 8: The Significance of Palynofloral Assemblages from the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation and
Associated Strata, Surmont and Surrounding Areas in North-central Alberta
Graham Dolby, Thomas D. Demchuk, and John R. Suter
Chapter 9: Stratigraphic Architecture of a Large-scale Point-bar Complex in the McMurray Formation: Syncrude’s Mildred Lake Mine, Alberta, Canada
Thomas R. Nardin, Howard R. Feldman, and B. Joan Carter
Chapter 11: Advanced Seismic-stratigraphic Imaging of Depositional Elements in a Lower Cretaceous (Mannville) Heavy Oil Reservoir, West-central Saskatchewan, Canada
Sabrina E. Sarzalejo Silva and Bruce S. Hart
Chapter 12: Oil-saturated Mississippian–Pennsylvanian Sandstones of South-central Kentucky
Michael T. May
Chapter 13: Overview of Heavy Oil, Seeps, and Oil (Tar) Sands, California
Frances J. Hein
Chapter 14: Unconventional Oil Resources of the Uinta Basin, Utah
Steven Schamel
Chapter 15: Integrated Reservoir Description of the Ugnu Heavy Oil Accumulation, North Slope, Alaska
Erik Hulm, Greg Bernaski, Boris Kostic, Steve Lowe, and Rick Matson
Chapter 16: Overview of Natural Bitumen Fields of the Siberian Platform, Olenek Uplift, Eastern Siberia, Russia
Vladimir A. Kashirtsev and Frances J. Hein
Chapter 17: Multiple-scale Geologic Models for Heavy Oil Reservoir Characterization
Clayton V. Deutsch
Chapter 18: Modeling of a Tide-influenced Point-bar Heterogeneity Distribution and Impacts on Steam-assisted Gravity Drainage Production: Example from Steepbank River, McMurray Formation, Canada
Geoffray Musial, Richard Labourdette, Jessica Franco, Jean-Yves Reynaud
Chapter 19: Reservoir Modeling by Constraining Stochastic Simulation to Deterministically Interpreted Three-dimensional Geobodies: Case Study from Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Long Lake Steam-assisted Gravity Drainage Project, Northeast Alberta, Canada
Milovan Fustic, David Thurston, Adal Al-Dliwe, Dale A. Leckie, and Dany Cadiou
Chapter 20: Spectral Decomposition in a Heavy Oil and Bitumen Sand Reservoir
Carmen C. Dumitrescu and Larry Lines
Chapter 21: Fundamentals of Heat Transport at the Edge of Steam Chambers in Cyclic Steam Stimulation and Steam-assisted Gravity Drainage
Ian D. Gates, Marya Cokar, and Michael S. Kallos
Chapter 23: Screening Criteria and Technology Sequencing for In-situ Viscous Oil Production
Maurice B. Dusseault
Chapter 24: New Progress and Technological Challenges in the Integral Development of the Faja Petrolifera del Orinoco, Venezuela
Teófilo Villarroel, Adriana Zambrano, and Rolando Garcia
Chapter 25: Trading Water for Oil: Tailings Management and Water Use in Surface-mined Oil Sands
Randy Mikula
Chapter 26: Potential Role of Microbial Biofilms in Oil Sands Tailings Management
Victoria Kostenko and Robert John Martinuzzi
Chapter 27: Geothermal Energy as a Source of Heat for Oil Sands Processing in Northern Alberta, Canada
Jacek Majorowicz, Martyn Unsworth, Tom Chacko, Allan Gray, Larry Heaman, David K. Potter, Douglas R. Schmitt, and Tayfun Babadagli
Chapter 28: Joslyn Creek Steam-assisted Gravity Drainage: Geologic Considerations Related to a Surface Steam
Release Incident, Athabasca Oil Sands Area, Northeastern Alberta, Canada
Frances J. Hein and Brent Fairgrieve