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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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The Cretaceous of West Texas and Its Oil Possibilities

Charles Laurence Baker

The Wisconsin Securities Law

W. H. Twenhofel ()

The Relation of Mountain Folding to the Oil and Gas Fields of Southern Oklahoma

Raymond C. Moore ()

The Relative Ages of Major and Minor Folding and Oil Accumulation in Wyoming

Max W. Ball

The Metamorphic Rocks of Woodson County, Kansas

W. H. Twenhofel, E. C. Edwards

The Humic Acid Origin of Asphalt

J. D. Haseman

Oil and Gas Development in West Virginia for the Year 1920

David B. Reger ()

Zacamixtle Pool Mexico: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

E. DeGolyer

Important Oilfields in Northern Canada: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Oil and Gas in Monroe County, Illinois: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

L. A. Mylius

Flowing Wells in Pennsylvania: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Roswell H. Johnson

The Present Excitement at Fort Stockton, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Wallace E. Pratt

The Recent Discovery at El Dorado, Arkansas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Wallace E. Pratt

A Note on Supposed Evidence of the Volcanic Origin of Gulf Coast Salt Domes: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Wallace E. Pratt

Geology and Oil and Gas Possibilities in the Vicinity of Waterloo, Monroe County, Illinois: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Oil and Gas Prospecting in Parts of Coles, Edgar, and Douglas Counties, Illinois: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Oil and Gas Prospecting in Parts of Clark, Coles, Edgar, Douglas, and Champaign Counties, Illinois: GEOLOGICAL NOTES


Raymond Moore


R. P. McLaughlin

"Lithologic Subsurface Correlation in the 'Bend Series' of North-Central Texas": ABSTRACT

Marcus I. Goldman

Description of Oil and Gas Areas in Tennessee and Conditions Affecting the Development of New Areas: ABSTRACT

Wilbur A. Nelson

Oil Development and Prospects in Tennessee: ABSTRACT

L. C. Glenn

Oil Geology of Warren County, Kentucky: ABSTRACT

Stuart St. Clair

Oil Shales of Kentucky: ABSTRACT

Willard R. Jillson

The Outlook for Oil and Gas in Pennsylvania: ABSTRACT

George H. Ashley

Petroliferous Formations of the Tampico Embayment, Mexico: ABSTRACT

Douglas R. Semmes

The West Columbia Salt Dome and Oil Field: ABSTRACT

Donald C. Barton

A Short Sketch of the Paleogeography and Historical Geology of the Mid-Continent Oil District, and its Importance to the Petroleum Geologist: ABSTRACT

Alex W. McCoy

Differentiation and Structure of the Glenn Formation: ABSTRACT

W. L. Goldston, Jr.

Experiments on Accumulation of Oil in Sands: ABSTRACT

W. H. Emmons

The Oil and Gas Bearing Horizons of the Ordovician in Ohio: ABSTRACT

L. S. Panyity