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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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The Outlook for Oil and Gas in Pennsylvania
George H. Ashley ()
Characteristics of Some Texas Sedimentary Rocks as Seen in Well Samples
Johan A. Udden ()
Drilling Oil Wells with the Diamond Drill
Frank A. Edson ()
Debt of Geology to the Petroleum Industry
E. DeGolyer ()
Correlation of the "Wilcox" Sand in the Okmulgee District with the Osage, Oklahoma
Luther H. White (), Frank C. Greene ()
On "The Relative Ages of Major and Minor Folding and Oil Accumulation in Wyoming": DISCUSSION
Max W. Ball, K. C. Heald
Estimates of Petroleum Reserves: EDITORIAL
Sidney Powers
Pessimism in Geology: EDITORIAL
Sidney Powers
Progress in Petroleum Geology: EDITORIAL
F. B. Plummer
Crude Oils of Borneo: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
F. B. Plummer
Another Deep Test in Pennsylvania: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
I. C. White
The Recent Discovery in Archer County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
L. B. Benton
The Mexia Pool, Mexia, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. E. Wrather
Granite Wells in Central Oklahoma: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Richard Hughes
Butler County, Kansas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Rudolph Uhrlaub