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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Oil Possibilities of Western Kansas
Charles T. Lupton, Wallace Lee, L. R. Van Burgh
Diamond Drilling for Production
Frank A. Edson
The Diamond Drill in Oil Exploration
Robert Davis Longyear
The Petroleum Geology of a Part of the Western Peace River District, British Columbia
Edmund M. Spieker
On Diamond Drilling: DISCUSSION
P. W. Donovan
Preliminary Report on Underground Conditions in the Haynesville Oil Field, Louisiana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. W. Scott
Investigations on Permeability and Absorption of "Sands" for Oil, Water, and Gas, with Reference to their Normal and Possible Yield: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
A. F. Melcher
Oil and Gas Prospects in Garfield County, Montana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. T. Thom, Jr., C. E. Dobbin
Age of the Barnett (Lower Bend) Shale of Central Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Raymond C. Moore