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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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The Permian of Arizona and New Mexico
N. H. Darton
Observations on the Occurrence and Origin of Petroleum in Argentina and Bolivia
Robert Anderson
Microthermal Observations of Some Oil Shales and Other Carbonaceous Rocks
Taisia Stadnichenko , David White
The Geologic Structure of a Portion of the Glass Mountains of West Texas
Philip B. King
Wilcox Sand Production, Tonkawa Field, Oklahoma
Glenn C. Clark
Observations Relating to the Origin and Accumulation of Oil in California
G. C. Gester
A Critical Examination of the Equal Pound Loss Method and of Estimating Gas Reserves
Roswell H. Johnson, L. C. Morgan
Gas and Oil near Edna, Jackson County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. Armstrong Price