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AAPG Bulletin
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Carbon Ratios and Oil Gravities in the Rocky Mountain Region of the United States
C. E. Dobbin
Temperature Gradient in Pechelbronn Oil-Bearing Region, Lower Alsace: Its Determination and Relation to Oil Reserves
I. O. Haas , C. R. Hoffmann
Subsurface Structure of Some Unsymmetrical Anticlines in the Rocky Mountains
John G. Bartram, J. E. Hupp
Georgetown Formation of Central Texas and Its Northern Texas Equivalents
Robert H. Cuyler
Structural Features of West Franklin Formation of Southwestern Indiana
Robert R. Shrock , Clyde A. Malott
Undergraduate Preparation for the Geologist
Ellis W. Shuler
Unconformities in Upper Cretaceous Series of Texas
Lloyd W. Stephenson
Correlation of the Claiborne of East Texas with the Claiborne of Louisiana
Alva Christine Ellisor
Lower Claiborne of East Texas, with Special Reference to Mount Sylvan Dome and Salt Movements
E. A. Wendlandt , G. Moses Knebel
Significance of Micro-Crystals of Carbonates in Bituminous Shales. A Preliminary Note
Jun-Ichi R. Takahashi
Darst Creek Fault, Guadalupe County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Chas. H. Row
Oklahoma City Pool, Oklahoma: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Basil B. Zavoico
Secondary Gypsum in Delaware Mountain Region: DISCUSSION
C. L. Mohr
Studies in Differential Compaction--A Reply: DISCUSSION
C. M. Nevin, R. E. Sherrill
Barrier Reefs in West Texas Basin: DISCUSSION
W. A. J. M. van Waterschoot van der Gracht
Origin of En Echelon Faults: DISCUSSION
R. E. Sherrill