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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Proportion of Organic Matter Converted into Oil in Santa Fe Springs Field, California
Parker D. Trask
Vertical Distribution of Bacteria in Marine Sediments
Claude E. ZoBell, D. Quentin Anderson
Rock Temperatures and Depths to Normal Boiling Point of Water in the United States
H. Cecil Spicer
Origins of Petroleums; Chemical and Geochemical Aspects
Benjamin T. Brooks
Some Tentative Correlations on the Basis of Graptolites of Oklahoma and Arkansas
Charles E. Decker
Correlation of Bluejacket Sandstone, Oklahoma: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
C. H. Dane, T. A. Hendricks
Corpus Christi Structural Basin Postulated from Salinity Data: DISCUSSION
W. Armstrong Price
New Theory of Continental Spreading: DISCUSSION
Arthur Wade