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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Stratigraphy Versus Structure in Rocky Mountain Region
Ross L. Heaton
Water-Insoluble Residues in Rock Salt of Louisiana Salt Plugs
Ralph E. Taylor
Use of Mechanical Sand Analyses for Correlation Purposes
I. I. Gardescu , M. H. Billings
Application of X-ray Crystal Analysis to a Problem of Petroleum Geology
D. H. Reynolds , Eldon A. Means , Lindsey G. Morgan
Volcanic Tuffs of Santa Lucia Range and Miocene Paleogeography of Salinas Valley, California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
C. Lathrop Herold
Further Evidence For Age of Volcanism, Pinnacles National Monument, California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
C. Lathrop Herold
Knoxville Series in California Mesozoic: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Frank M. Anderson
Geological Exploration Between Upper Jurua River, Brazil, and Middle Ucayali River, Peru: DISCUSSION
Joseph T. Singewald, Jr.
Sedimentation in Barred Basins, and Source Rocks of Oil: DISCUSSION
Thomas C. Wilson