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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Discoveries in California in 1936
M. G. Edwards
Developments in Rocky Mountain Region in 1936
A. E. Brainerd , Charles S. Lavington
Recent Developments in Kansas and Nebraska in 1936
Marvin Lee , George W. Baughman
Developments in Oklahoma in 1936
Frederic A. Bush
Developments in North-Central Texas and the Panhandle, 1936-1937
Albert W. Weeks
Developments in West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico in 1936
H. P. Bybee , Berte R. Haigh
Developments in South Texas District in 1936-1937
Harry H. Nowlan
Gulf Coastal Developments in 1936
O. L. Brace
Developments in Northeast Texas District in 1936
Wallace Ralston
Developments in Arkansas-Louisiana-Texas Area, 1936-1937
D. H. Bingham
Russian Oil Fields in 1936
Basil B. Zavoico
Wildcat Drilling in 1935 and 1936
Frederic H. Lahee
Geologic Sections in Texas and Adjoining States
Wallace C. Thompson
Proved Oil Reserves in United States of America
J. Elmer Thomas