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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Heavy-Mineral Zones of Louisiana and Texas Gulf Coast Sediments
William M. Cogen
Los Bajos Fault of South Trinidad, B.W.I.
C. C. Wilson
Hoffman Field, Duval County, Texas
Harvey Whitaker
Structural Interpretation of Recent Gravity Observations in Southeastern Oklahoma
Thomas A. Hendricks
Isopachous Studies of Ellsworth to Traverse Limestone Section of Southwestern Michigan
Margaret Stearns Bishop
Water Cones and Water Sheaths in Experimental Oil Wells
F. B. Plummer , H. K. Livingston
Jones County, Texas, Discovery: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Orion A. Daniel
Microscopic Examination of Permian Crude Oils: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Ronald K. DeFord
Miocene Fishes in Well Cores from Torrance in Southern California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Lore David