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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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West Edmond Oil Field, Central Oklahoma
D. A. McGee , H. D. Jenkins
Hawkins Field, Wood County, Texas
E. A. Wendlandt , T. H. Shelby, Jr. , John S. Bell
Correlation of Permian of West Texas and Southeast New Mexico
John W. Skinner
Normal Fault Structures and Others
Bailey Willis
Spectrochemical Sample Logging of Limestones
L. L. Sloss , S. R. B. Cooke
Faulting in East Part of Grand Canyon of Arizona
C. E. Van Gundy
Relations Between Kinds of Well Data and Apparent Faulting: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
H. H. Suter
Atlantic Coastal Plain Floor and Continental Slope of North Carolina: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. F. Prouty
Grain Size in Carbonate Rock: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Ronald K. Deford
"Jacob Staff" and Measurements of Stratigraphic Sequences--A Correction: ERRATUM
J. A. Broggi
Progress Report on A.P.I. Research Project 43, "The Transformation of Organic Material into Petroleum": RESEARCH
G. M. Knebel
Historical Notes on the Geology of Mississippi: ABSTRACT
Urban B. Hughes
Stratigraphy and Petroleum Geology of Black Warrior Basin, Mississippi and Alabama: ABSTRACT
F. F. Mellen
Surface Occurence of Cretaceous Beds in the Southeastern States: ABSTRACT
Watson H. Monroe
Subsurface Occurrence of Cretaceous Sediments of Mississippi: ABSTRACT
C. W. Alexander, R. M. Harris
Cenozoic Deposits of Mississippi and Adjacent Areas: ABSTRACT
Grover E. Murray, Jr.
Status of Micropaleontology in the Eastern Gulf Region: ABSTRACT
Henry V. Howe
General Geology and Occurrence of Oil in Florida: ABSTRACT
E. D. Pressler
New Geologic Map of Tertiary Formations of Georgia: ABSTRACT
F. Stearns MacNeil
The Formation of Evaporites under Marine Evaporation Conditions: ABSTRACT
Paul Weaver
Subsurface Correlations of East Texas, North Louisiana, South Arkansas, and Mississippi: ABSTRACT
Roy T. Hazzard
Mesozoic Igneous Rocks of the Northern Gulf Coastal Plain: ABSTRACT
C. L. Moody
Geology of West Tepetate Oil Field, Jefferson Davis Parish, Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Fred W. Bates, Jay B. Wharton
The Delhi, West Delhi and Big Creek Fields: ABSTRACT
A. M. Lloyd, R. B. Totten
Geology of the Gilbertown Field, Choctaw County, Alabama: ABSTRACT
A. M. Current
The Tinsley Field: ABSTRACT
F. R. Shroeder, J. B. Storey
The Cranfield Field, Adams and Franklin Counties, Mississippi: ABSTRACT
George Zebal
The Heidelberg Field, Jasper County, Mississippi: ABSTRACT
Tom McGlothlin