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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Oil Fields of Greater Oficina Area Central Anzoategui, Venezuela

H. D. Hedberg , L. C. Sass , H. J. Funkhouser

Oil Fields of West Buchivacoa, Venezuela

G. W. Halse

El Mene de Acosta Field, Falcon, Venezuela

H. H. Suter

Carbon-Ratio Theory May Be Subject to Re-examination: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Charles J. Deegan

Salt-Dolomite Intergrowths: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

I. T. Schwade

Introductory Remarks of Symposium on Occurrence and Production of Oil from Fractured Rocks in California: ABSTRACT

Rollin Eckis

Summary of Production from Fractured Rock Reservoirs in California: ABSTRACT

W. S. Eggleston

Occurrence and Origin of Chert in the Monterey Formation: ABSTRACT

M. N. Bramlette

Fractured Reservoirs of the Santa Maria District: ABSTRACT

L. J. Regan, Jr., A. W. Hughes

Oil Production from Fractured Rocks on West Side San Joaquin Valley: ABSTRACT

S. M. Reynolds

The Nature of the Basement Complex Oil Reservoir, Edison Oil Field, California: ABSTRACT

J. C. May, R. L. Hewitt

Examples of Electrical Logs in Fractured Rocks: ABSTRACT

R. D. Ford, Milton E. Loy

Summary Remarks Concluding the Symposium on the Occurrence and Production of Oil from Fractured Rocks in California: ABSTRACT

Rollin Eckis

Summary of Geology and Exploration in Sacramento Valley: ABSTRACT

W. E. McKitrick

Summary of Geology and Exploration in Salinas Valley: ABSTRACT

J. E. Kilkenny

Oil and Gas Prospects of Washington and Oregon: ABSTRACT

Hampton Smith

Relative Cost of Finding Oil in California: ABSTRACT

Graham B. Moody

Prospecting for Petroleum: ABSTRACT

E. DeGolyer

Ecological Relationships of Recent Foraminifera: ABSTRACT

Earl Meyers

Determination of Potential Oil Source Rocks: ABSTRACT

Parker D. Trask