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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Stratigraphic Details of Lower Mississippian Rocks of Northeastern Utah and Southwestern Montana
F. D. Holland, Jr.
Marine Origin of Preuss Sandstone of Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah
Ralph W. Imlay
Origin of Crow Creek Member of Pierre Shale in Central South Dakota
Dwight R. Crandell
Lower Cretaceous in Colorado Plateau
Wm. Lee Stokes
Lithologic Character of Chester Rocks in Illinois-Kentucky Fluorspar District
A. H. Sutton , W. A. Oesterling
Geomorphic Evolution of Continental Terrace (Continental Shelf and Slope)
Robert S. Dietz
Odd Geologic Structures of Southern Oklahoma
C. W. Tomlinson