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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Argillation and Direct Bauxitization in Terms of Concentrations of Hydrogen and Metal Cations at Surface of Hydrolyzing Aluminum Silicates
W. D. Keller
Concept of Diagenesis in Argillaceous Sediments
Ralph E. Grim
Geologic Interpretation of Argillaceous Sediments: Part I. Origin and Significance of Clay Minerals in Sedimentary Rocks
Charles E. Weaver
Geologic Interpretation of Argillaceous Sediments: Part II. Clay Petrology of Upper Mississippian-Lower Pennsylvanian Sediments of Central United States
Charles E. Weaver
"Glauconite" Pellets: Their Mineral Nature and Applications to Stratigraphic Interpretations
John F. Burst
Effect of Source and Environment on Clay Minerals
I. H. Milne , J. W. Earley
Gulf Coast Tectonics
Max Bornhauser
Comanchean Stratigraphy of Kent Quadrangle, Trans-Pecos Texas
John P. Brand , Ronald K. DeFord
Thorium-to-Uranium Ratios as Indicators of Sedimentary Processes: Example of Concept of Geochemical Facies
John A. S. Adams , Charles E. Weaver
Fuel Reserves of the Future: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Lewis G. Weeks
"Finger-Print" Pattern on Certain Calcareous Soils: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
William F. Tanner
Exploratory Drilling in 1956: ERRATUM
Graham B. Moody
Cyclothems: DISCUSSION
J. Marvin Weller, Harry E. Wheeler, Haydn H. Murray
Nature, Usage, and Definition of Marker-Defined Vertically Segregated Rock Units: DISCUSSION
P. Fitzgerald Moore
Definition of Term Formation in Stratigraphic Sense: DISCUSSION
Henry H. Gray