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AAPG Bulletin
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Petroluem in Comanche (Cretaceous) Section, Bend Area, Florida
Joseph E. Banks
Rocks of Mississippian and Probable Devonian Age in Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico
Elmer H. Baltz , Charles B. Read
Swisher Gabbroic Terrane of Texas Panhandle
Robert Roth
Precambrian Rocks at North Franklin Mountain, Texas
R. L. Harbour
Reliability of Glauconite for Age Measurement by K-Ar and Rb-Sr Methods
P. M. Hurley , R. F. Cormier , J. Hower , H. W. Fairbairn , W. H. Pinson, Jr.
Sulphur Isotope Fractionation in Early Diagenesis of Recent Sediments of Northeast Venezuela
H. G. Thode , A. G. Harrison , J. Monster
Geologic Reconnaisance of Upper Yapacani River, Bolivia
Emile Rod
Age of Johns Valley Shale, Jackfork Sandstone, and Stanley Shale: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Hugh D. Miser , Thomas A. Hendricks
Lost Art of Sample Examination--a Frozen Asset: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Frank B. Conselman
Misuse of "Bioclastic Limestone": DISCUSSION
Horace D. Thomas