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AAPG Bulletin
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Reconnaissance Geology and Oil Possibillities of Mindanao
T. S. M. Ranneft , Roy M. Hopkins, Jr. , Albert J. Froelich , John W. Gwinn
Facies and Porosity Relationships in Some Mississippian Carbonate Cycles of Western Canada Basin
G. E. Thomas , R. P. Glaister
Early Tertiary Stratigraphy of Part of Central Utah
Donald P. McGookey
Stratigraphy and Foraminifera of Lower Tertiary Vidono Shale, Near Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
D. J. Stanley
Laboratory Technique for Plastic Saturation of Porous Rocks: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
R. J. Cavanaugh , C. F. Knutson
Versene, New Tool for Study of Carbonate Rocks: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Walter E. Hill, Jr. , Russell T. Runnels
Method for Evaluating Certain Types of Geochemical Anomalies: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
A. F. Frederickson
Cross-Bedding Directions in Upper Triassic Sandstones of Northeastern New Mexico
Charles J. Cazeau