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AAPG Bulletin
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Petroleum Demands of Future Decades
J. D. Moody
Brine Mixing: an Additional Mechanism for Formation of Basin Evaporites
Omer B. Raup
Middle Devonian Reef Production, Rainbow Area, Alberta, Canada
Michael E. Hriskevich
Petrology and Stratigraphy of Nonmarine Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Rocks of Western Wyoming and Southeastern Idaho
Lloyd C. Furer
Early Ordovician Sedimentary History of Marathon Geosyncline, Trans-Pecos, Texas
Leonard M. Young
Lower Wolfcampian Reef in Kemnitz Field, Lea County, New Mexico
Morad Malek-Aslani
Geologic and Paleomagnetic Study of Permo-Carboniferous Redbeds (Sabaneta and Merida Facies), Venezuelan Andes
R. Shagam , R. B. Hargraves
Nature of Cretaceous Sedimentation in Western Desert, Egypt
Soliman M. Soliman , Oussama El Badry
Geology and Productivity of Persian Gulf Synclinorium
Maurice Kamen-Kaye
Early Cambrian Paleogeography, Frome Embayment, South Australia
H. Wopfner
Surat Basin, Australia--Subsurface Stratigraphy, History, and Petroleum
P. E. Power , S. B. Devine
Flow of a Disperse Emulsion of Crude Oil in Water Through Porous Media: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
John C. Cartmill , Parke A. Dickey
Evidence Against Oxidation of Hydrogen Sulfide by Sulfate Ions to Produce Elemental Sulfur in Salt Domes: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
J. B. Davis , J. P. Stanley , H. C. Custard
Tectonic Overview of Bering Sea-Aleutian Ridge Region: ABSTRACT
R. Ernest Anderson
Sediment Distribution in Kara Sea: ABSTRACT
John A. Andrew, Sarah J. Stoll, Joseph H. Kravitz
Bipolar Synchroneity of Late Cenozoic Paleoclimatic Cycles: ABSTRACT
Orville L. Bandy
Okhotsk-Chukotskiy Belt and Problem of Volcanic Arcs in Northeast Asia: ABSTRACT
V. F. Belyi
Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of Mesozoic of Northern Alaska: ABSTRACT
H. R. Bergquist
Mesozoic Geology of East Greenland: ABSTRACT
Tove Birkelund
Correlation of Tertiary Nonmarine Sediments in Alaska and Northeastern Asia: ABSTRACT
S. F. Biske
Carboniferous Deposits of Northeastern Asia, Alaska, and Yukon: ABSTRACT
E. I. Bogush, O. V. Yuferev
Early Permian Sedimentation and Paleogeography in East-Central Alaska Range, and Regional Implications: ABSTRACT
Gerard C. Bond
Ordovician of Soviet Arctic: ABSTRACT
V. I. Bondarev, A. Z. Burskiy, E. M. Krasikov, L. V. Nekhorosheva, M. M. Oradovskaya
Geologic Structure and History of Polar Urals, Pay-Khoy, Novaya Zemlya, and Northern Pechora Depression: ABSTRACT
V. I. Bondarev, B. S. Romanovich, S. V. Cherkesova, V. S. Enokyan
Origin of Manganese-Rich Layers in Arctic Sediments: ABSTRACT
Kurt Bostrom
Silurian Biogeography and Lithofacies of Arctic: ABSTRACT
Arthur J. Boucot
Reward and Uncertainty in Exploration Programs: ABSTRACT
Paul G. Bradley, Gordon M. Kaufman
Development of Precambrian Shield in Southwestern Greenland, Labrador, and Baffin Island: ABSTRACT
D. Bridgwater, A. Escher, G. D. Jackson, F. C. Taylor, B. F. Windley
Tertiary of Greenland: ABSTRACT
C. Kent Brooks
Paleozoic of Northern and Central Alaska: ABSTRACT
William P. Brosge, J. T. Dutro, Jr.
Permafrost and Engineering Problems Associated with Petroleum Development in Sedimentary Basins of Northern Canada: ABSTRACT
R. J. E. Brown, G. H. Johnston
Middle and Upper Devonian Biostratigraphy in Canadian Northwest Territories: ABSTRACT
W. G. E. Caldwell
Silurian-Devonian Boundary and Correlation of Lower Devonian of Soviet and Canadian Arctic: ABSTRACT
S. V. Cherkesova
Geologic Concepts of Arctic Ocean Basin: ABSTRACT
Michael Churkin, Jr.
Arctic Ocean Foraminifera and Correlation of Pleistocene Climatic Changes: ABSTRACT
David L. Clark, Ruth E. Mullen, Stanley C. Fagerlin
Tectonics of Northern Franklin Mountains and Colville Hills, District of Mackenzie, Canada: ABSTRACT
Donald G. Cook, James D. Aitken
Chukchi Sea Continental Shelf Sedimentation: ABSTRACT
Joe S. Creager, Ronald J. Echols, Mark L. Holmes, Dean McManus
Settlement Associated with Thawing of Permafrost: ABSTRACT
Frederick E. Crory
Carbonate Cycles in Arctic Ocean Sediment Cores: ABSTRACT
Dennis A. Darby
Pre-Quaternary Geology of North Greenland: ABSTRACT
Peter R. Dawes, N. J. Soper
Features of Sedimentary Cover of Arctic Ocean: ABSTRACT
R. M. Demenitskaya, Yu. G. Kiselev, G. I. Gaponenko, S. S. Ivanov
Mesozoic Sequence in Arctic Alaska: ABSTRACT
Robert L. Detterman
Epi-Paleozoic Horst-Anticlinoria and Shelf Troughs of Arctic Margin of Eurasia: ABSTRACT
V. D. Dibner
Metamorphic Belts of Northwestern Pacific Region: ABSTRACT
N. L. Dobretsov
Geology and Petroleum Potential of Canadian Arctic Islands: ABSTRACT
Kenneth J. Drummond
Biostratigraphy of Carboniferous of Northern Alaska: ABSTRACT
J. T. Dutro, Jr., A. K. Armstrong
Permian Paleogeography of Arctic: ABSTRACT
J. T. Dutro, Jr., R. B. Saldukas
Exploration And Production In Canadian Arctic Archipelago: ABSTRACT
A. N. Edgington, N. A. Cleland, D. L. Campbell
Tectonic Map of Arctic Polar Regions of Earth: ABSTRACT
B. Kh. Egiazarov, I. P. Atlasov, M. G. Ravich, G. E. Grikurov, R. M. Demenitskaya, G. A. Znachko-Yavorsky, A. P. Puminov, B. S. Romanovich, D. S. Solovyev
Main Tectonic Features of Northern Part of Pacific Mobile Belt: ABSTRACT
B. Kh. Egiazarov, B. V. Ermakov, V. A. Vakar, N. G. Zagorskaya, G. I. Kameneva, T. N. Kopilova, E. M. Litvinov, G. K. Pichugina, N. P. Anikeyev, I. E. Drakbin, V. A. Titov, L. V. Gershanovich, Y. P. Grigorenko, E. N. Erlich
Franklin Igneous Events, Tension Faulting, and Possible Hadrynian Opening of Baffin Bay, Canada: ABSTRACT
W. F. Fahrig, E. Irving, G. D. Jackson
Arctic Ordovician Cephalopod Faunas: ABSTRACT
R. H. Flower
Tectonic Implications of Recently Discovered "Blueschist Facies" Metamorphic Terranes in Alaska: ABSTRACT
Robert B. Forbes, Thomas Hamilton, Irvin L. Tailleur, T. P. Miller, William W. Patton
Regional Geology of Yukon-Tanana Upland, Alaska: ABSTRACT
Helen L. Foster, Earl E. Brabb, Florence R. Weber, Robert B. Forbes
Devonian Rocks of Greenland and Svalbard: ABSTRACT
Peter F. Friend
Airborne and Ground Electrical Resistivity Studies along Proposed Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) Route: ABSTRACT
Frank C. Frischknecht, W. D. Stanley
Caledonian Geology of Arctic Norway: ABSTRACT
R. A. Gayer
Inuvik Test Loop--an Arctic Prototype Investigation: ABSTRACT
Joseph T. Gilchrist
Evolutionary Stages of Faunas in Structure of Stratigraphic Scales of Paleogene and Neogene of Northern Pacific Area: ABSTRACT
Yu. B. Gladenkov
Permian-Triassic Metalliferous Provinces of North-Central Siberia: ABSTRACT
V.S. Golubkov, G. I. Kavardin, G. N. Staritsyna
Geologic Preconditions for Oil and Gas Possibilities in Soviet Arctic: ABSTRACT
I. S. Gramberg, R. M. Deminitskaya, B. Kh. Egiazarov, Ya. I. Polkin, V. N. Sokolov, D. S. Sorokov
Reconnaissance Geology of Chukchi Sea as Determined by Acoustic and Magnetic Profiling: ABSTRACT
Arthur Grantz, W. F. Hanna, M. L. Holmes, Joe S. Creager
Geophysical Evidence for Ancient Sea-Floor Spreading from Alpha Cordillera and Mendeleyev Ridge: ABSTRACT
John K. Hall
Continental Drift in Arctic: ABSTRACT
Warren Hamilton
Mesozoic Geology of Svalbard: ABSTRACT
W. B. Harland
Tectonic Evolution of Barents Shelf and Related Plates: ABSTRACT
W. B. Harland
Engineering Geology and Petroleum Exploration in Arctic: ABSTRACT
R. A. Hemstock
Mesozoic Transgressions in Sverdrup Basin: ABSTRACT
Diego Henao-Londono
Caledonian Geology of Scoresby Sund Region, Central East Greenland: ABSTRACT
Niels Henriksen
Late Cenozoic Biostratigraphic and Paleoecologic Studies of Arctic Ocean Deep-Sea Cores: ABSTRACT
Yvonne Herman
Stratigraphy of Beaufort Formation along Western Margin of Canadian Arctic Islands: ABSTRACT
Len V. Hills
Bering Sea Basalts: Their Sequence and Origin: ABSTRACT
J. M. Hoare
Tectonic Development of Beringia, Late Mesozoic to Holocene: ABSTRACT
David M. Hopkins, David W. Scholl
Permafrost in Prudhoe Bay Field: Geology and Physical Characteristics: ABSTRACT
Frank Howitt, Michael W. Clegg
Logistics' Costs Associated with Oil and Gas Exploration and Exploitation in Far North of Canada: ABSTRACT
A. D. Hunt, H. W. Woodward
Jurassic Paleogeography of Alaska: ABSTRACT
Ralph W. Imlay
Arctic Oil and the World--One Perspective: ABSTRACT
Daniel C. Ion
Importance of Foraminifera for Zoogeographical Division of Arctic Seas in Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Times: ABSTRACT
E. F. Ivanova
Oil and Gas Problems of Northeastern Asia and Adjoining Shelf: ABSTRACT
V. V. Ivanov
Cretaceous Paleogeography of Arctic Canada: ABSTRACT
J. A. Jeletzky
Marine Geology of Atlantic North of Arctic Circle: ABSTRACT
G. Leonard Johnson, Peter R. Vogt
Geology, Petroleum Potential, and Exploration of Hudson Bay Basin, Canada: ABSTRACT
R. D. Johnson
Speculations on Late Mesozoic Tectonic History of Part of Southern Alaska: ABSTRACT
D. L. Jones, E. M. Mackevett, Jr., George Plafker
Stratigraphic Scheme of Ordovician of Northeastern USSR and Its Correlation: ABSTRACT
A.V. Kanygin, M. M. Oradovskaya, R. F. Sobolevskaya
Two Stochastic Models Useful in Petroleum Exploration: ABSTRACT
Gordon M. Kaufman, Paul G. Bradley
North Canada Rift System: ABSTRACT
J. William Kerr
Stratigraphic and Tectonic Development of Cook Inlet Petroleum Province: ABSTRACT
C. E. Kirschner, C. A. Lyon
Upper Devonian Stratigraphy and Structure, Western Canadian Arctic Islands: ABSTRACT
J. Edward Klovan, Ashton F. Embry
Holocene Sedimentary Framework of East-Central Bering Shelf: Preliminary Results: ABSTRACT
Harley J. Knebel, Joe S. Creager
Precambrian Tectonics of Northern Asia: ABSTRACT
Yu A. Kosygin, L. M. Parfenov
Geologic Structure and History of Geologic Development of Eastern USSR: ABSTRACT
L. I. Krasny
Neotectonics of Arctic: ABSTRACT
Y. H. Kulakov, A. P. Puminov, V. D. Dibner
Continental Shelf Structure and Sediments of Gulf of Anadyr: ABSTRACT
John T. Kummer, M. L. Holmes, Joe S. Creager
Organic Material in Modern Sediments of Arctic Ocean: ABSTRACT
N. N. Lapina, N. N. Kulikov, G. P. Semenov, N. A. Belov
Tectonic Framework of Northern and Central Alaska: ABSTRACT
Ernest H. Lathram
Precambrian of Finland: ABSTRACT
Raimo Lauerma
Middle and Upper Cambrian of Northern Part of Central Siberia: ABSTRACT
N. P. Lazarenko
New Bathymetric Chart of Arctic Ocean: ABSTRACT
A. E. Malloy, M. A. Beal
Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy and Carboniferous Microfacies, Northern Alaska and Yukon: ABSTRACT
B. L. Mamet
Geologic Structure of Baffin Bay and Davis Strait Determined by Various Geophysical Techniques: ABSTRACT
K. S. Manchester, M. J. Keen, D. B. Clarke, D. I. Ross
Bentonitic Debris Flows near Umiat, Alaska: ABSTRACT
Richard W. McGaw, Duwayne M. Anderson, Jerry Brown, Richard K. Haugen, Allen R. Tice
High-Latitude Evaporite Deposits and Geologic History of Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans: ABSTRACT
A. A. Meyerhoff
Russian Arctic Petroleum Provinces: ABSTRACT
A. A. Meyerhoff, Ilya A. Mamantov, Theodore Shabad
Engineering Geologic and Subsurface Soil Investigations for Trans-Alaska Pipeline System: ABSTRACT
Ralph R. Migliaccio, James W. Rooney
Preliminary Correlation of Mesozoic Plutonic Rocks in Bering Sea Region: ABSTRACT
Thomas P. Miller
Tectonics of Arctic Region of Yakut ASSR: ABSTRACT
K. B. Mokshantsev, G. S. Gusev
Mesozoic Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Paleogeography of Northern Yukon, Canada: ABSTRACT
Eric W. Mountjoy
Sedimentary Processes in Arctic Ocean: ABSTRACT
Ruth E. Mullen, Dennis A. Darby, David L. Clark
Texture, Organic Carbon, and Clay Mineralogy of Western Beaufort Sea Sediments: ABSTRACT
A. S. Naidu, D. C. Burrell, Joe Dygas
Late Cenozoic History of Deposition of Northern Bering Shelf: ABSTRACT
C. Hans Nelson
Application of Acoustics to Determination of Permafrost Distribution: ABSTRACT
Joseph L. Nelson
Devonian (Old Red Sandstone) Sedimentation and Tectonics of Norway: ABSTRACT
Tor H. Nilsen
Silurian Stratigraphic Sections at Cape Tyson, Offley Island, and Cape Schuchert, Northwest Greenland: ABSTRACT
B. S. Norford
Economics of Prudhoe Bay Field--Comparison with Bell Creek Field: ABSTRACT
Charles A. Norman
Tectonic Styles of Arctic Plateau and Coastal Plain of Yukon Territory, Western District of Mackenzie: ABSTRACT
D. K. Norris
Division and Correlation of Ordovician Deposits in Northeastern USSR: ABSTRACT
A. M. Obut, R. F. Sobolevskaya
Precambrian of Northern Sweden, North of Arctic Circle: ABSTRACT
Peter Padget
Geology of Offshore Areas of Canadian Arctic Islands Based on Geophysical Work: ABSTRACT
A. E. Pallister, S. A. Bourne
Middle Paleozoic Reefs of Siberian North as Potential Reservoirs of Oil and Gas: ABSTRACT
D. K. Patrunov, Yu. G. Samolovich
Mesozoic Tectonics and Correlations in Yukon-Koyukuk Province, West-Central Alaska: ABSTRACT
William W. Patton, Jr.
Sadlerochit Reservoir at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska: ABSTRACT
Bill Penttila
Emergence Model for Formation of Aleutian Arc: ABSTRACT
Richard B. Perry
Permafrost and Environmental-Engineering Problems in Arctic: ABSTRACT
Troy L. Pewe
Geology of Sverdrup Basin: ABSTRACT
B. P. Plauchut
Fold Systems and Platform Covers of Middle Siberian Arctic Shelf: ABSTRACT
Yu. E. Pogrebitskiy, V. A. Vinogradov, V. V. Zakharov, E. N. Zatzepin
Plutonic Belts of Central and Southern Alaska Range and Alaska Peninsula: ABSTRACT
Bruce L. Reed, Marvin A. Lanphere
Structure and Stratigraphy of Eastern Alaska Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT
D. H. Richter, D. L. Jones
Structure, Stratigraphy, and Isotopic Composition of Rocks of Seward Peninsula, Alaska: ABSTRACT
C. L. Sainsbury, Carl E. Hedge, Carl M. Bunker
Jurassic and Neocomian Paleozoogeography of Arctic: ABSTRACT
V. N. Saks, V. A. Bassov, A. A. Dagis, A. S. Dagis, V. A. Zakharov, E. F. Ivanova, S. V. Meledina, T. I. Nal'Nyayeva, M. S. Mesezhnikov, N. I. Shulgina
Structural Evolution of Bering Continental Margin: Cretaceous to Holocene: ABSTRACT
David W. Scholl, Edwin C. Buffington
Recent Sedimentation on Southern Bering Shelf: ABSTRACT
Ghanshyam D. Sharma
Biostratigraphy of Marine Triassic in Northern Alaska: ABSTRACT
N. J. Silberling
Cretaceous Floral Sequences in Alaskan Arctic: ABSTRACT
Charles J. Smiley
Design of Production Wells Through Permafrost: ABSTRACT
Robert E. Smith
Crustal Structure of Queen Elizabeth Islands and Polar Continental Margin: ABSTRACT
L. W. Sobczak, J. R. Weber, E. F. Roots
History of Structural Development of Spitsbergen and Adjoining Shelves: ABSTRACT
V. N. Sokolov, A. A. Krasiltchikov, Yu. Ya. Livshitz, D. V. Semevskiy
Effect of Climatic Changes on Chemical Content of Deep-Water Muds Exemplified by Deposits of Arctic and Atlantic Oceans: ABSTRACT
N. S. Spiro, A. F. Zelenova
Maestrichtian Plant Microfossil Assemblages and Their Paleogeographic and Paleoclimatic Implications for Latest Mesozoic Time: ABSTRACT
Edward A. Stanley
Supply and Demand Applied to North American Arctic: ABSTRACT
Henry B. Steele
Provincialism in Permian Faunas and Its Application to Paleoclimatic Evolutionary Biostratigraphic Studies: ABSTRACT
F. G. Stehli
Foraminiferal Study of Kara Sea North of 76° North Latitude: ABSTRACT
Sarah J. Stoll
Hydrocarbon Potential of Northern Greenland: ABSTRACT
J. H. Stuart-Smith
Cambro-Ordovician Depositional Environments in Central East Greenland: ABSTRACT
K. Swett
Probable Rift Origin of Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean: ABSTRACT
I. L. Tailleur
Structure and Stratigraphy of Western Arctic Alaska: ABSTRACT
I. L. Tailleur
Mesozoic Tectonics of Northern Pacific Region: ABSTRACT
S. M. Til'man
Tectonics and Geologic History of Arctic Sector of East Asia and America: ABSTRACT
S. M. Til'man
Main Structural Features of Arctic: ABSTRACT
B. V. Tkatchenko, B. Kh. Egiazarov, I. P. Atlasov, V. I. Bondarev, V. M. Lazurkin, F. G. Markov, M. G. Ravich, B. S. Romanovich, V. N. Sokolov
Canada Basin and Lomonosov Ridge: Inferences Based on Precambrian and Lower Paleozoic Geology of Canadian Arctic Islands: ABSTRACT
Hans P. Trettin
Early Paleozoic Evolution of Northern Parts of Canadian Arctic Islands: ABSTRACT
Hans P. Trettin
Paleozoological Division of Pleistocene Marine Basins on Arctic Coast of Eurasia: ABSTRACT
Sergei L. Troitskiy
Marine Upper Paleozoic Deposits of Arctic: ABSTRACT
V. I. Ustritskiy, G. E. Chernyak
Arctic Mesozoic Floras: ABSTRACT
N. D. Vasilevskaya
Geologic History of North-Central Siberia: ABSTRACT
V. A. Vinogradov, I. S. Gramberg, Yu. E. Pogrebitskiy, M. I. Rabkin, M. G. Ravich, V. N. Sokolov, D. S. Sorokov
Geophysical Studies in Barents and Kara Seas: ABSTRACT
Peter R. Vogt, Ned A. Ostenso
Comparison of Canadian Arctic Brachiopods to Australian Permian Brachiopods: Significance for Continental Drift: ABSTRACT
J. B. Waterhouse
Aeromagnetic Evidence for Origin of Arctic Ocean Basin: ABSTRACT
Richard J. Wold, Ned A. Ostenso
Biostratigraphy of Nonmarine Tertiary of Northern Pacific Basin: ABSTRACT
J. A. Wolfe
Geology of Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin and Eastern Northern Interior Plains: ABSTRACT
Christopher J. Yorath
Paleobiogeographic Zonation of Carboniferous in Northern Hemisphere: ABSTRACT
O. V. Yuferev