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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Basal Jurassic-Cretaceous Rocks of Western Great Artesian Basin, South Australia: Stratigraphy and Environment

H. Wopfner , I. B. Freytag , G. R. Heath

Gosses Bluff, Central Australia, as Fossil Mud Volcano

T. S. M. Ranneft

Comparison of Hydrocarbon Distributions in Crude Oils and Shales from Moonie Field, Queensland, Australia

R. T. Mathews , B. J. Burns , R. B. Johns

Application of Pyrolysis and Gas Chromatography to Geochemical Characterization of Kerogen in Sedimentary Rock

A. Giraud

Effects of Incipient Metamorphism on Organic Matter in Mudrock

Donald R. Baker , George E. Claypool

Imbricate Linear Sandstone Bodies of Viking Formation in Dodsland-Hoosier Area of Southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada

W. E. Evans

Petrology of Cretaceous Mowry Shale of Wyoming

John Clements Davis

Geology of Central Grant Range, Nevada

Jack H. Hyde , Gerald W. Huttrer

Nubian Group: Origin and Status: DISCUSSION

A. J. Whiteman

"Nubian Sandstone": DISCUSSION

T. Weissbrod

"Nubian Sandstone": REPLY

R. Pomeyrol

"Nubian Sandstone": REPLY

Monzer S. Shawa

Comments to Discussions: DISCUSSION

Danilo A. Rigassi

Sandstone Distribution in Lower Member of Waynesburg Formation, Greene and Washington Counties, Southwest Pennsylvania: DISCUSSION

John B. Roen

Sandstone Distribution in Lower Member of Waynesburg Formation, Greene and Washington Counties, Southwest Pennsylvania: REPLY

W. D. Martin , B. R. Henniger

Late Cretaceous Eugeosynclinal Sedimentation, Gravity Tectonics and Ophiolitic Emplacement in Oman Mountains, South Arabia: DISCUSSION

M. Kamen-Kaye

Late Cretaceous Eugeosynclinal Sedimentation, Gravity Tectonics and Ophiolitic Emplacement in Oman Mountains, South Arabia: REPLY

H. H. Wilson

Depositional History of Northern Alaska: ABSTRACT

W. P. Brosge, Irvin L. Tailleur

Geologic Data Processing--An Effective Exploration Tool: ABSTRACT

Robert D. Walker

Environmental Impact of Petroleum Waste: ABSTRACT

Jack E. McKee

California Geologic Registration--Where Do You Fit?: ABSTRACT

Wilferd W. Peak

Geophysics and Future Oil Potential: ABSTRACT

M. B. Dobrin

Computer Simulation of Marine Sedimentation: ABSTRACT

John W. Harbaugh

Stratigraphy and Sedimentation of JOIDES Holes off California Coast: ABSTRACT

Oscar E. Weser

Diapirs and Diapirlike Structures, Southeastern Bering Sea: ABSTRACT

David W. Scholl, Michael S. Marlow

Multichannel Filtering: ABSTRACT

R. O. Lindseth

Economic Advantages of Subsea Production Methods: ABSTRACT

Raymond W. Walker

Statistical Analysis of Calcisiltites from Bird Spring Group, Mountain Springs, Nevada: ABSTRACT

Donald S. McDougall, Robert H. Osborne

Problems in Selecting Environmental Bench Marks for Remote Sensing Systems: ABSTRACT

David A. Phoenix

Interactive Computer Graphics and the Fault Problem: ABSTRACT

Ernest W. Peikert

California Digital Mapping: ABSTRACT

Charles E. Chambers

Sediment Dispersion in Northern Channel Island Passages, California: ABSTRACT

James S. Booth

Limitations of Reflection-Seismic Method: Lessons from Computer Simulations: ABSTRACT

M. T. Taner

New Dimensions: Amplitude and Frequency Mapping: ABSTRACT

R. O. Lindseth

Automigration of Seismic Data: ABSTRACT

J. Lindsey

Fossil Diatoms and Silicoflagellates from Newport Beach, California, Studied with Scanning Electron Microscope: ABSTRACT

W. W. Wornardt, Jr.

Occurrences of Silicoflagellates from Central North Pacific Cores: ABSTRACT

Hsin-Yi Ling

Benthic Foraminiferal Trends in Pacific-Antarctic Basin: ABSTRACT

Fritz Theyer

Pleistocene-Holocene Boundary in Southwestern Indian Ocean: ABSTRACT

Edith Vincent

Late Quaternary Biostratigraphy of Cores from Beneath California Current: ABSTRACT

Ronald W. Morin

Preliminary Revaluation of Late Miocene Biostratigraphy of California: ABSTRACT

Richard L. Pierce

Foraminifera and Rugose Coral Zones of Mississippian-Pennsylvanian Lisburne Group, Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska: ABSTRACT

Augustus K. Armstrong

Lunar Regolith at Tranquility Base: ABSTRACT

Eugene M. Shoemaker

Building and Using Computerized Well-Course File in Offshore, Geologically Complex Field: ABSTRACT

D. R. Holbert, G. B. Thomas, M. Sweeney, R. D. Vontiehl, T. W. Ehring

Geothermal Exploration in Imperial Valley: ABSTRACT

Tsvi Meidav, R. W. Rex

Sedimentology of Southeast Pacific Ocean Deep-Sea Cores: ABSTRACT

Thomas F. Manera

Semblance and Other Coherency Measures for Multichannel Data: ABSTRACT

N. S. Neidell

Detailed Geophysical Study of Northwest Norton Basin, Bering Sea Shelf, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Gary Greene

Multichannel Mapping Techniques: ABSTRACT

R. O. Lindseth

Tertiary Climatic Change in San Joaquin Basin, California: Evidence from Shallow-Water Mollusks: ABSTRACT

W. O. Addicott

Cyclicity in Upper Tertiary Basin-Margin Deposits of California Coast Ranges: ABSTRACT

Robert J. Stanton, Jr.

Supratidal Dolostones: An Overemphasis on Their Significance in Geologic Record?: ABSTRACT

Donald H. Zenger

Geomorphology and Sedimentary Character of Redondo Submarine Fan: ABSTRACT

Barbara E. Haner

Magnetic Grain Fabric of Sedimentary Rocks: ABSTRACT

H. Ab Iorwerth

Paleocurrent and Basin Analysis of Late Cretaceous "Chico" Formation, Simi Hills, California: ABSTRACT

Ivan P. Colburn, James Rodine

Biostratigraphy of Leg 5, JOIDES Holes, Off California Coast: ABSTRACT

Dean Milo