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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Mineral Economics Symposium: Introduction
Michel T. Halbouty
Mineral Economy of Canada--Past, Present, and Future
W. Keith Buck
Remarks on United States Mineral Economy
Hollis M. Dole
Mineral Industry and the Geologist
Willard F. Bunker
Economic Aspects of Exploration and Development of Mineral Resources--Viewpoint of the Educator
John J. Schanz, Jr.
The Geologist's Role in Evaluation Economics
W. B. Oliver
Expanded Need for Mineral Economics in Exploration for Metals
M. H. Bergendahl
Integrated Exploration Economics in Wyoming--Viewpoint of the Geologist
D. N. Miller
Pollution Problems in the "Oil Patch"
John W. Rold
Environmental Significance of Salt
Joseph D. Martinez
Alteration of Sediments by Natural Gases in Western Merced County, California
Nikola P. Prokopovich , Ralph C. Cole , Charles K. Nishi
Seismic Refraction and Reflection in Caribbean Sea
N. Terence Edgar , John I. Ewing , John Hennion
Depiction of Faults on Stratigraphic Isopach Maps: GEOLOGICAL NOTE
William H. Hintze
Upper Cretaceous Depositional Pattern, Coalinga Area, California: DISCUSSION
Ivan P. Colburn
Upper Cretaceous Depositional Pattern, Coalinga Area, California: REPLY
Monzer S. Shawa
Nubian Sandstone Paleoenvironment in Sudan: DISCUSSION
Gisela Prasad
Nubian Sandstone Paleoenvironment in Sudan: REPLY
R. Pomeyrol
Nubian Sandstone Paleoenvironment in Sudan: REPLY
Arthur Whiteman
Nubian Sandstone Paleoenvironment in Sudan: REPLY
Monzer S. Shawa
Nubia Sandstone: DISCUSSION
Bahay Issawi
Nubia Sandstone: REPLY
R. Pomeyrol
"Nubia Sandstone"--Uses and Misuses: DISCUSSION
Fekri Hassan
T. Weissbrod
Carboniferous of Egypt: Isopach and Lithofacies Maps: DISCUSSION
Bahay Issawi
Carboniferous of Egypt: Isopach and Lithofacies Maps: REPLY
Soliman M. Soliman
AAPG: Programs and Purposes: DISCUSSION
John W. Rold