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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Introduction to Comparative Sedimentology of Carbonates

R. N. Ginsburg

Development of Western Canadian Devonian Reefs and Comparison with Holocene Analogues

J. E. Klovan

Reefs, Platforms, and Basins of Middle Cretaceous in Northeast Mexico

Paul Enos

Characteristics of Carbonate-Platform Margins

James Lee Wilson

Karst-Determined Facies Patterns in British Honduras: Holocene Carbonate Sedimentation Model

Edward G. Purdy

Shallow and Deepwater Stromatolites in Lower Proterozoic Platform--to--Basin Facies Change, Great Slave Lake, Canada

Paul Hoffman

Mesozoic Fossils from Augustine Island, Cook Inlet, Alaska: GEOLOGIC NOTES

Robert L. Detterman , David L. Jones

Possible Ordovician Carbonate Reservoirs in Mississippi: GEOLOGIC NOTES

Frederick F. Mellen

Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone, Los Angeles Basin, California: DISCUSSION

John P. Platt , Charles J. Stuart

Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone, Los Angeles Basin, California: REPLY

Robert S. Yeats

Late Cretaceous Nappes in Oman Mountains and Their Geologic Evolution: DISCUSSION

J. D. Moody

Late Cretaceous Nappes in Oman Mountains and Their Geologic Evolution: REPLY TO J. D. MOODY

K. W. Glennie , B. M. Reinhardt

Using Well Logs for Coal Location and Evaluations: ABSTRACT

R. P. Alger

Uranium Deposits of Gas Hills, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Don C. Anderson

Current Status of Oil Shale Development in United States: ABSTRACT

Henry O. Ash

Nuclear Fuel--An Assessment: ABSTRACT

F. P. Baranowski

Lone Pine Field--Exercise in Structural Geology: ABSTRACT

Guy Burton, Robert Wellborn

Model Which Produces Synthetic Seismic Cross Section: ABSTRACT

John Butler, Jr.

Development in In Situ Processing for Shale Oil Recovery: ABSTRACT

Donald E. Garrett, Richard D. Ridley, Randall T. Chew, III

Environmental Geology and Legislation and Effect on Exploration and Production: ABSTRACT

Graham Curtis

Title to be Announced: ABSTRACT

Hollis M. Dole

Upper Devonian Duperow Sedimentary Rocks in Southeastern Saskatchewan--Why No Oil Yet?: ABSTRACT

C. E. Dunn

Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of Winnepegosis Formation in Southern Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT

L. M. Fuzesy

Poison Draw Field, Converse County, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Gene R. George

Use of Published Wyoming Coal Analyses: ABSTRACT

Gary B. Glass

Changing Trends in Uranium Exploration: ABSTRACT

James Hansink

Undrilled Structures in South Dakota: ABSTRACT

J. C. Harksen

Examples of Use of Standard Data Products of Nasa-Erts, Skylab, and Aircraft Programs in Study of Wyoming Surface Resources: ABSTRACT

R. S. Houston, Ronald W. Maars

Resource and Land Information Applied to Potential Coal Development in Gillette Area, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

W. F. Keefer, Richard F. Hadley

Interpretive Techniques in Remote Sensing: ABSTRACT

Ronald W. Maars

Water and Coal Development in Powder River Basin: ABSTRACT

A. J. Mancini

Hydrocarbon Accumulation in San Andres Formation of Permian Basin, Southeast New Mexico and West Texas: ABSTRACT

Fred F. Meissner

Overview of Geothermal Energy Developments: ABSTRACT

Carel Otte

Red Wing Creek Field, North Dakota--An Extraterrestrial Hydrocarbon Trap: ABSTRACT

Elmer S. Parson, Jr.

U. S. Geological Survey Petroleum Exploration Research in Rocky Mountain Region: ABSTRACT

Peter R. Rose

Subsurface Disposal of Fluid Wastes in Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT

F. Simpson

Analysis of Energy Crunch and Application of Computer Techniques to Search for Oil and Gas: ABSTRACT

Philip H. Stark

Comparison of Recent Laboratory Models to Natural Deformation in Rocky Mountain Forelands: ABSTRACT

David Stearns

Church Buttes Arch, Wyoming and Utah: ABSTRACT

N. D. Thomaidis

Western Coal--Clean Black Ace in the Hole: ABSTRACT

John Wold

Petrology of Morrison Formation, Dinosaur Quarry, Utah: ABSTRACT

Sue Ann Bilbey

Mannville (Lower Cretaceous) Basin Of Southwestern Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT

J. E. Christopher

Primary and Secondary Sedimentary Structures in Fine-grained Lacustrine Rocks of Green River Formation (Eocene), Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT

Rex D. Cole, M. Dane Picard

Dipmeter Interpretation of Structural and Stratigraphic Features in Rocky Mountains: ABSTRACT

Donald G. Davis

Origin of Ca, Fe, and Mg Carbonates in Oil Shales of Eocene Green River Formation in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah: ABSTRACT

George A. Desborough, Janet K. Pitman

Mineralogic Evidence for Buried Hydrocarbons--New Exploration Tool: ABSTRACT

T. J. Donovan

Evaporite Deposits of Northern Great Plains: Comparison of Depositional Settings: ABSTRACT

D. M. Kent

Braided Rivers and Related Terrigenous Depositional Systems--Useful But Enigmatic Exploration Models: ABSTRACT

L. G. Kessler, II

Cambrian and Lower Ordovician Stratigraphy in Bighorn Mountains and Associated Uplifts in Wyoming and Montana: ABSTRACT

V. E. Kurtz

Deltaic Sedimentation, South Platte Formation (Lower Cretaceous), Morrison Area, Jefferson County, Colorado: ABSTRACT

L. T. MacMillan

Development and Economic Implications of Paleokarst, Molas Pass Area, Southwestern Colorado: ABSTRACT

R. Mark Maslyn

Evidence of Subsurface Water in Equatorial Region of Mars: ABSTRACT

T. A. Maxwell, M. Dane Picard

Disconformities in Rocks of Early Late Cretaceous Age in Southeastern Wyoming and North-Central Colorado: ABSTRACT

E. A. Merewether, G. A. Izett

Geothermal and Geopressure Relations as Tool for Petroleum Exploration: ABSTRACT

Betty M. Miller

Textural Parameters of Rocks From Borehold Measurements and Their Applications in Determining Depositional Environments: ABSTRACT

G. R. Pickett, J. L. Bedwell, J. C. Carloss

Discrimination Among Grain-Size Distributions by Canonical Analysis as Aid to Environmental Interpretation: ABSTRACT

David M. Poole

Early Campanian (Cretaceous) Delta-Front Sedimentation, South Flank of Wind River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Mitchell W. Reynolds

Genesis and Distribution of Desmoines (Pennsylvanian) sandstone Reservoir at Sleepy Hollow Field, Red Willow County, Nebraska: ABSTRACT

James P. Rogers

Early Paleozoic Trilobites, Sedimentary Facies, Lithospheric Plates, and Ocean Currents: ABSTRACT

Reuben J. Ross

Structural Geology and Tectonic Development of Northeast Part of Rio Puerco Fault Zone, Sandoval County, New Mexico: ABSTRACT

Paul B. Slack

Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy and Tectonism on Southeastern Shelf of Paradox Basin: ABSTRACT

Robert W. Spoelhof

Modern Analogs of Green River Formation: ABSTRACT

Ronald Surdam

Muddy Sandstone Environments, Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana: Outcrop and Core Study: ABSTRACT

Roderick W. Tillman

Paleocurrent Analysis of Early Triassic Moenkopi Formation, Uinta Mountains Area, Northeastern Utah: ABSTRACT

Bruce Vandeventer, M. Dane Picard

Stratigraphic Model for Distributary Channels, "J" and Muddy Sandstones, Rocky Mountain Region: ABSTRACT

R. J. Weimer, C. B. Land, L. T. MacMillan

Lithofacies Variations in Green River Formation, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Claudia A. Wolfbauer