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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Geology and Hydrocarbon Discoveries of Canadian Arctic Islands
J. H. Stuart Smith , J. H. N. Wennekers
Surficial Origin of North American Pitchblende and Related Uranium Deposits
Fred F. Langford
Petroleum Prospects of Lebanon: Reevaluation
Z. R. Beydoun
Geothermal and Geopressure Patterns of Bayou Carlin-Lake Sand Area, South Louisiana: Implications
Madhurendu Bhushan Kumar
Triassic-Liassic Deposits of Morocco and Eastern North America: Comparison
Franklyn B. Van Houten
Distribution of Carbon as Hydrocarbons and Asphaltic Compounds in Sedimentary Rocks: GEOLOGIC NOTES
John M. Hunt
Confusion Flats--an Exploration Game: GEOLOGIC NOTES
James H. Fisher
History of Alabama Geological Society: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Denny N. Bearce
Age of Frontier Formation in North-Central Utah: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Thomas A. Ryer