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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Growth Faults in Carboniferous of Western Ireland
M. H. Rider
Role of Salinian Block in Evolution of San Andreas Fault System, California
Stephan A. Graham
A "Sigsbee Knoll" in Early Tertiary Bay of Biscay and Associated Turbidity Currents
Jorg Hanisch
Sedimentation and Trapping Mechanism in Upper Miocene Stevens and Older Turbidite Fans of Southeastern San Joaquin Valley, California
Bruce A. MacPherson
Sedimentology of Late Jurassic Barrier-Island Complex--Lower Sundance Formation of Black Hills
C. A. Rautman
Margins of Gulf of Mexico
J. Lamar Worzel, C. A. Burk
Silurian Evolution of Central Appalachian Basin
Richard Smosna, Douglas Patchen
Pressure Solution and Porosity Reduction in Shallow Buried Quartz Arenite: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Thomas V. Wilson , Duncan F. Sibley