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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Shallow, Low-Permeability Reservoirs of Northern Great Plains--Assessment of Their Natural Gas Resources
Dudley D. Rice , George W. Shurr
Triassic Rocks of Argana Valley, Southern Morocco, and Their Regional Structural Implications
Roy H. Brown
Jurassic Cotton Valley and Smackover Reservoir Trends, East Texas, North Louisiana, and South Arkansas
Stephen E. Collins
Structure of Upper Cenozoic Strata Beneath Kodiak Shelf, Alaska
Michael A. Fisher, Roland Von Huene
Resedimented Facies in Ventura Basin, California, and Model of Longitudinal Transport of Turbidity Currents
Kenneth J. Hsu , Kerry Kelts , James W. Valentine
Depositional Framework of Sandy Mid-Fan Complexes of Tourelle Formation, Ordovician, Quebec
Richard N. Hiscott
Origin of Gasoline-Range Hydrocarbons and Their Migration by Solution in Carbon Dioxide in Norton Basin, Alaska
Keith A. Kvenvolden , George E. Claypool
Stratigraphy of Marine Paleogene and Neogene of Northeast Asia (Chukotka, Kamchatka, Sakhalin): GEOLOGIC NOTES
Yuri B. Gladenkov
Modern and Ancient Submarine Fans: Discussion of Papers by R. G. Walker and W. R. Normark
Tor H. Nilsen
Modern and Ancient Submarine Fans: REPLY
Roger G. Walker
Modern and Ancient Submarine Fans: REPLY
William R. Normark
Geology of New England Passive Margin: ERRATUM
James A. Austin, Jr.