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AAPG Bulletin
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Source-Rock Potential of Evaporitic Environment
Douglas W. Kirkland , Robert Evans
Northwest Margin of California Continental Borderland: Marine Geology and Tectonic Evolution
James K. Crouch
Thermal Subsidence and Compaction in Sedimentary Basins: Application to Baltimore Canyon Trough
C. L. Angevine, D. L. Turcotte
Geophysical Evidence for Deep Basin in Western Kentucky
R. K. Soderberg , G. R. Keller
Geochemical Correlation of Windalia Oil and Extracts of Winning Group (Cretaceous) Potential Source Rocks, Barrow Subbasin, Western Australia
R. Alexander , R. I. Kagi , G. W. Woodhouse ,
Upper Oligocene Evaporites in Basin Fill of Sevier Desert Region, Western Utah
David A. Lindsey , Richard K. Glanzman , Charles W. Naeser , Douglas J. Nichols
Carbonate Sand Bodies Along Contrasting Shallow Bank Margins Facing Open Seaways in Northern Bahamas
Albert C. Hine , R. Jude Wilber , A. Conrad Neumann
Tectonic Framework of Disturbed Belt of West-Central Montana
Lee A. Woodward
Event Correlation in Upper Silurian Rocks of Somerset Island, Canadian Arctic
O. A. Dixon , G. M. Narbonne , B. Jones
Statistical Curvature Analysis Techniques for Structural Interpretation of Dipmeter Data
C. A. Bengtson
Munsell Color Value as Related to Organic Carbon in Devonian Shale of Appalachian Basin
John W. Hosterman, Sallie I. Whitlow
Evolution of Anklesvar Anticline, Cambay Basin, India
Manoj K. Mukherjee
Abnormal Formation Pressure and Shale Porosity
Halfdan Carstens , Henning Dypvik