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AAPG Bulletin
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Carpathian Foreland Fold and Thrust Belt and Its Relation to Pannonian and Other Basins
B. C. Burchfiel, L. Royden
Thrust Systems
Steven E. Boyer , David Elliott
Origin of Fracture Porosity--Example from Altamont Field, Utah
Wayne Narr , John B. Currie
Global Geologic History and Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves
C. Bois, P. Bouche, R. Pelet
Seismic Detection and Evaluation of Delta and Turbidite Sequences: Their Application to Exploration for the Subtle Trap
O. R. Berg
Structural Control of Jurassic Sedimentation in Alabama and Florida
James A. Miller
Interpretation of Subsurface Hydrocarbon Shows
Tim T. Schowalter , Paul D. Hess
Continental-Oceanic Crustal Transition Off Southwest Africa
James A. Austin, Jr. , Elazar Uchupi
Applications of Landsat Imagery to Problems of Petroleum Exploration in Qaidam Basin, China
G. Bryan Bailey , Patrick D. Anderson
North Palawan Block, Philippines--Its Relation to Asian Mainland and Role in Evolution of South China Sea
N. H. Holloway
Sediment Thickness and Depth to Basement in Western North Atlantic Ocean Basin
Brian E. Tucholke , Robert E. Houtz , William J. Ludwig , (5)
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: A Technique for Direct Nondestructive Evaluation of Source-Rock Potential
Francis P. Miknis , J. Ward Smith , Edwin K. Maughan , Gary E. Maciel (5)
Measured Radiogenic Heat Production in Sediments from Continental Margin of Eastern North America: Implications for Petroleum Generation: GEOLOGIC NOTE
C. E. Keen , T. Lewis
Ekofisk: First of the Giant Oil Fields in Western Europe: DISCUSSION
L. W. Minturn
Saddle Crystal Dolomites as Fractured Reservoir Indicators, Mississippian Biohermal Facies, Hardeman County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Wayne M. Ahr
Chappel (Mississippian) Biohermal Reservoirs in Hardeman Basin, Texas: ABSTRACT
Wayne M. Ahr, Sheila L. Ross
Determination of Depositional Environments of Sand Bodies by Use of Vertical Grain-Size Progressions: ABSTRACT
John B. Anderson, Carl Wolfteich, Robyn Wright, Mary Lou Cole
Contrasting Depositional Processes of Sub-Clarksville and Woodbine Reservoir Sandstones: ABSTRACT
Robert A. Barton
Evolution and Porosity of Carbonate Shoaling Cycles, Lower Glen Rose (Lower Cretaceous), South Texas: ABSTRACT
Annell R. Bay
Potassium-Argon Age Dating of Interlayered Glauconites from Eocene Queen City Formation, East Texas: ABSTRACT
Candyce L. Beck, John A. S. Adams
Petrology and Reservoir Characteristics of Smackover Formation, Hatter's Pond Field--Implications for Smackover Exploration in Southwestern Alabama: ABSTRACT
D. Joe Benson, Ernest A. Mancini
Abnormal Pressures in Lower Vicksburg, McAllen Ranch Field, South Texas: ABSTRACT
Robert R. Berg, Mark F. Habeck
Geometry and Mechanisms of Folding Related to Growth Faulting in Nordheim Field Area (Wilcox), De Witt County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Lee T. Billingsley
Relation of Smectite-Illite Transformation and Development of Abnormal Fluid Pressure and Structure in Northern Gulf of Mexico Basin: ABSTRACT
Clemont H. Bruce
Late Eocene to Early Oligocene Calcareous Nannofossils in Alabama and Mississippi: ABSTRACT
Laurel M. Bybell
Hydrothermal Mineralization Within Balcones and Luling Fault Zones of Texas: ABSTRACT
S. Christopher Caran
Polycystine Radiolarian Distribution and Enhancements Related to Oceanographic Conditions in a Hypothetical Ocean: ABSTRACT
Richard E. Casey, Joan M. Spaw, Florence R. Kunze
Productive Lower Wilcox Stratigraphic Traps from Entrenched Valley in Kinkler Field, Lavaca County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Stewart Chuber, Robert L. Begeman
Ouachita Orogenic Complex, Central Texas--Geophysical Measurements and Basement Offset: ABSTRACT
H. C. Clark
Detailed Grain Size and Heavy Mineralogy of Sands of Northeastern Texas Gulf Coast--Implications with Regard to Coastal Barrier Development: ABSTRACT
Mary Lou Cole, John B. Anderson
Formation of Mississippi Canyon: ABSTRACT
J. M. Coleman, D. B. Prior, John F. Lindsay
Basement Structure in Northwest Peninsular Florida: ABSTRACT
Neil M. Coleman, Mark T. Stewart
Stratigraphic Distribution of Hydrocarbons with Differing API Gravities in East Texas Basin: ABSTRACT
Rob Conti
Implications of Fission-Track Ages from Kaplan Geothermal-Geopressure Zone, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Roy K. Dokka
Using Nannofossil Counts in Interpretation of Subsurface Deltas: ABSTRACT
Robert W. Everett, Jr.
Late Cretaceous Volcanism in South and Central Texas--Stratigraphic, Structural, and Seismic Models: ABSTRACT
Thomas E. Ewing, S. Christopher Caran
Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Fan-Delta Complex--La Casita Formation of Saltillo Area, Coahuila, Mexico: ABSTRACT
K. S. Fortunato, W. C. Ward
Paleocene-Eocene Boundary in Eastern Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Norman O. Frederiksen, Thomas G. Gibson, Laurel M. Bybell
Clay Mineralogy and Depositional History of Frio Formation in Two Geopressured Wells, Brazoria County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Robert L. Freed
Paleocene to Middle Eocene Stratigraphy of Alabama: ABSTRACT
Thomas G. Gibson, Ernest A. Mancini, Laurel M. Bybell
Modern Thecamoebinids (Arcellinida) from Balize Delta, Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Drew Haman
Effects of Syndepositional Structures on Lower Vicksburg (Oligocene) Fluvial-Deltaic Sedimentation, McAllen Ranch Field Area, Hidalgo County, South Texas: ABSTRACT
Jong H. Han, Alan J. Scott
Reactivation of Fault Movement, Tepetate Fault Zone, South-Central Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Jeffrey S. Hanor
Misinterpretation of Environmental Monitoring Data--a Plague on Mankind: ABSTRACT
Wayne C. Isphording
Composition and Diagenesis of Upper Cretaceous San Miguel Sandstone, Northern Webb County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Alonzo D. Jacka
Jurassic Petroleum Geology of Southwestern Clarke County, Mississippi: ABSTRACT
J. B. Jackson, P. M. Harris
Gray Sandstones (Jurassic) in Terryville Field, Louisiana--Basinal Deposition and Exploration Model: ABSTRACT
Philip C. Judice, S. J. Mazzullo
Lithofacies and Depositional Environments of Middle Ordovician Shelf Carbonates in Southern Appalachians: ABSTRACT
Alison Lee
Toward a Better Understanding of Gulf Coast Miocene Deep-Water Sediments: ABSTRACT
Brian E. Lock
Recent Foraminifera Around Petroleum Production Platforms on Southwest Louisiana Shelf: ABSTRACT
Jo Ann Locklin, Rosalie F. Maddocks
Grain Shape Analysis--Application to Problems of Sediment Source and Transport: ABSTRACT
Jim Mazzullo
Preliminary Assessment of Louisiana's Uranium Potential: ABSTRACT
Richard P. McCulloh
Exploration Analysis of Jurassic Apalachicola Embayment of Florida: ABSTRACT
Hugh J. Mitchell-Tapping
Depositional Environment of Jurassic Smackover Sandstones, Thomasville Field, Rankin County, Mississippi: ABSTRACT
Rebecca S. Olsen
Facies Analysis of Cretaceous Hensel Formation--Response of a Fluvial System to Marine Transgression: ABSTRACT
Janie H. Payne, Alan J. Scott
Depositional Environments of Norphlet Formation (Jurassic) of Southwestern Alabama: ABSTRACT
Fred Pepper
Geology and Log Study of Tight Gas Sandstones--Cotton Valley Group: ABSTRACT
Gordon Pirie
"Big Look"--Future Trend of Exploration: ABSTRACT
William C. Ramsey-Palmer, Brian T. Fine
Field Size Distributions and Exploration Efficiencies by Depth Zones in Gulf Coast Area: ABSTRACT
L. A. Rapoport, G. C. Grender
Modern Benthic Foraminifera from Gyre Intraslope Basin, Northern Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
Leslie A. Reynolds
Gulf Coast Magic: ABSTRACT
W. H. Roberts, III
Future Energy Invulnerability: ABSTRACT
T. W. Rolling
Catahoula Creek Field--a Complex Structural and Stratigraphic Trap in Downdip Cotton Valley Sands: ABSTRACT
Torstein Sanness, David Hancock
Prediction of Deep-Sea Reservoir Facies: ABSTRACT
G. Shanmugan, R. J. Moiola
Depositional Environment of Carter Sandstone (Chesterian) of Black Warrior Basin in Northwestern Alabama and Northeastern Mississippi: ABSTRACT
Brian Shepard
Tectonic Evolution of Trans-Pecos, Texas: ABSTRACT
Timothy M. Shepard, Jack L. Walper
Depositional Environments and Gas Production Trends, Olmos Sandstone, Upper Cretaceous, Webb County, Texas: ABSTRACT
John W. Snedden, David G. Kersey
Ecostratigraphic Model for Shelf Platform Development of Middle Cretaceous (Stuart City) Limestones of South-Central Texas: ABSTRACT
N. J. Tartamella
Regional Jurassic Lithostratigraphy of Alabama: ABSTRACT
Janyth S. Tolson
Use of High-Altitude Color Infrared Imagery in Structural Mapping of Monument Spring Area, West-Central Marathon Uplift, Brewster County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Walter D. Tomlinson
Monitoring Local Subsidence in Areas of Potential Geopressured Fluid Withdrawal, Southwestern Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Drukell B. Trahan
Elements of High-Constructive Deltaic Sedimentation, Lower Frio Formation, Brazoria County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Noel Tyler, Jong H. Han
Paleoecology of Mississippi River Mudlumps--Statistical Analysis of a Foraminiferal Assemblage: ABSTRACT
Robert T. Verrastro
Lithostratigraphy and Biostratigraphy of Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene Strata in Southwest Alabama and Southeast Mississippi: ABSTRACT
Laura A. Waters, Ernest A. Mancini
Deposition and Stratification of Oblique Dunes, South Padre Island, Texas: ABSTRACT
Stephen Paul Weiner
Comparison of Radiolarian Thanatocoenosis and Biocoenosis from Oligotrophic Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, and Eutrophic Southern California Sea: ABSTRACT
Cynthia R. Wigley
Cenozoic Shelf Margins, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
Charles D. Winker
Clay Mineral Identification by Remote Sensing: ABSTRACT
Michael J. Abrams, Alexander F. H. Goetz
K/Ar Dating of Illitic Clay in Sandstone Reservoirs and Timing of Petroleum Migration: ABSTRACT
James Aronson, Roger L. Burtner
Silica and Metal Release During Clay Mineral Diagenesis and Shale Overpressuring: ABSTRACT
Kevin C. Beck
Relation of Illite/Smectite Diagenesis and Development of Structure in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Basin: ABSTRACT
Clemont H. Bruce
Illite/Smectite Diagenesis and Hydrocarbon Generation in Cretaceous Mowry and Skull Creek Shales of Northern Rocky Mountains--Great Plains Region: ABSTRACT
R. L. Burtner, M. A. Warner
Catalytic Effect of Smectitic Clays in Hydrocarbon Generation: ABSTRACT
J. B. Davis
Probable Interactions Between Stevens Sandstone (a Miocene Deep-Water Turbidite) and Surrounding Siliceous Shales in San Joaquin Valley, California: ABSTRACT
E. Eslinger, V. Ranganathan
Organic Carbon Content and Fractured Shale Reservoir Evaluation Based on Natural Gamma Ray Spectral Logging: ABSTRACT
Walter H. Fertl
Role of Clay Composition on Extent of Smectite-Illite Diagenesis: ABSTRACT
W. R. Foster, H. C. Custard
Clays as Acid Geocatalysts in Generation and Maturation of Petroleum: ABSTRACT
T. P. Goldstein
Clay Mineral Reactions in Clastic Diagenesis: ABSTRACT
John Hower
Clay Mineral Catalysis and Petroleum Generation: ABSTRACT
W. D. Johns
Brines, Clay Minerals, and Equilibria: Predicting Diagenetic History and Reservoir Quality in Oligocene Frio Formation of Texas: ABSTRACT
W. R. Kaiser, R. L. Bassett, R. A. Morton
Diagenesis and Mass Transfer in Sandstone-Shale Sequences and the Sedimentary Cycle: ABSTRACT
Fred T. Mackenzie, Jane Schoonmaker, H. Chang
Permeability of Clay Shales: ABSTRACT
G. Mesri
Illite/Smectite Diagenesis: Relation to Coal Rank in Tertiary Sediments of Pacific Northwest: ABSTRACT
D. R. Pevear
Combined Natural Gamma Ray Spectral/Litho-Density Measurements Applied to Clay Mineral Identification: ABSTRACT
J. A. Quirein, J. S. Gardner, J. T. Watson
Al-Hydroxy Smectite: An Intermediate Between Smectite and Mixed-Layer Illite/Smectite Formed in Burial Diagenesis of Pelitic Sediments?: ABSTRACT
Herman E. Roberson, Bruce Sass
Oxygen Isotopic Studies of Diagenetic Clay Minerals: Implications for Geothermometry, Diagenetic Reaction Mechanisms, and Fluid Migration: ABSTRACT
Samuel M. Savin
Numerical Model of Shale Compaction, Aquathermal Pressuring, and Hydraulic Fracturing: ABSTRACT
John M. Sharp, Jr., Michael H. Kortenhof
Importance of Physical Properties of Clays in Oil Formation and Migration: ABSTRACT
Philippe Ungerer
Effect of Bulk Composition on Clay Mineralogy: Examples from Jurassic Sandstones of North Sea: ABSTRACT
B. Velde
Mechanical Properties of Clays in Fault Zones Under High Pressure Conditions: ABSTRACT
C. Y. Wang