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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Spirit River Formation--A Stratigraphic-Diagenetic Gas Trap in the Deep Basin of Alberta
Douglas J. Cant
Petroleum-Related Origin for Uraniferous Organic-Rich Nodules of Southwestern Oklahoma
Joseph A. Curiale , Salman Bloch , Janina Rafalska-Bloch , William E. Harrison (5)
Lithofacies Mapping of Viola Limestone in South-Central Kansas, Based on Wireline Logs
E. Bornemann , J. H. Doveton
Cretaceous Sinistral Strike Slip Along Nacimiento Fault in Coastal California
William R. Dickinson
Tectonic Evolution of Gulf of Anadyr and Formation of Anadyr and Navarin Basins
Michael S. Marlow, Alan K. Cooper, Jonathan R. Childs
Stratigraphic Evolution of Blake Outer Ridge
R. G. Markl , G. M. Bryan
Burial History and Diagenetic Reaction Kinetics
Raymond Siever
Deciphering Fracturing and Fluid Migration Histories in Northern Appalachian Basin
J. Edward Tillman , H. L. Barnes
Easy Solutions to Stereonet Rotation Problems: GEOLOGIC NOTES
C. A. Bengtson
Storm Tells: Interaction of Physical Events, Functional Adaptation, and Settling Behavior: ABSTRACT
A. Seilacher
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: A Technique for Direct Nondestructive Evaluation of Source-Rock Potential: ERRATUM
Francis P. Miknis, J. Ward Smith, Edwin K. Maughan, Gary E. Maciel
Oil and Gas Prospecting Beneath Precambrian of Foreland Thrust Plates in Rocky Mountains: ERRATUM
Robbie Gries
The Miocene Stratigraphy of California Revisited: ERRATUM
R. M. Kleinpell