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AAPG Bulletin
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Relation Between Extensional Geometry of the Northern Grant Range and Oil Occurrences in Railroad Valley, East-Central Nevada
Karen Lund , L. Sue Beard , W. J. Perry, Jr.
Sedimentary Geology and Evolution of an Outcropping Shelf-Margin Delta, Late Proterozoic Wonoka Formation, South Australia
P. A. DiBona , C. C. von der Borch
Mixing of Thermogenic Natural Gases in Northern Appalachian Basin
P. D. Jenden , D. J. Drazan , I. R. Kaplan
Hydrocarbon Generation in the Essaouira Basin of Western Morocco
Paul Broughton , Andre Trepanier
Sedimentology and Shale Modeling of a Sandstone-Rich Fluvial Reservoir: Upper Statfjord Formation, Statfjord Field, Northern North Sea
Alister C. MacDonald , Eva K. Halland
Divergent Wrench Faulting in the Belize Southern Lagoon: Implications for Tertiary Caribbean Plate Movements and Quaternary Reef Distribution
Maria Ester Lara
Attributes and Origins of Ancient Submarine Slides and Filled Embayments: Examples from the Gulf Coast Basin
Robert A. Morton
Three-Dimensional Geometry and Kinematics of the Gale-Buckeye Thrust System, Ouachita Fold and Thrust Belt, Latimer and Pittsburg Counties, Oklahoma
M. Scott Wilkerson , Paul C. Wellman
Pore-Size Distribution in Sandstones: GEOLOGIC NOTE
A. S. T. Netto
Marilyn E. Tennyson, William R. Beeman