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AAPG Bulletin
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Bob West Field: Extending Upper Wilcox Production in South Texas
Scott L. Montgomery
Flow of Formation Waters, Aquifer Characteristics, and Their Relation to Hydrocarbon Accumulations, Northern Alberta Basin
Stefan Bachu
Characterization of Petrophysical Flow Units in Carbonate Reservoirs
Alden J. (Jeff) Martin, Stephen T. Solomon, Dan J. Hartmann
Depositional Environments, Organic Carbon Accumulation, and Solar-Forcing Cyclicity in Smackover Formation Lime Mudstones, Northern Gulf Coast
Ezat Heydari, William J. Wade, Laurie C. Anderson
Uncertainties in Reservoir Production Forecasts
Oddvar Lia,Henning Omre,Håkon Tjelmeland,Lars Holden,and Thore Egeland
Secondary Porosity Generation During Deep Burial Associated with Overpressure Leak-Off: Fulmar Formation, United Kingdom Central Graben
M. Wilkinson, D. Darby, R. S. Haszeldine, G. D. Couples
Gas Souring by Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction at 140°C: Discussion
Gertrud Baric, Mladen Jungwirth
Gas Souring by Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction at 140¡C: Reply
R. H. Worden, P. C. Smalley, N. H. Oxtoby